Loved your stack today. Firing on all cylinders as usual.

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Thank you, my friend...much appreciated!

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Buildings are only the containers, the contained or better yet what flourishes from human contact, and in best cases connection is something else, regardless of buildings' look.

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I hear you, Deb, but it's much easier for humans to flourish if they're not treated like cogs in a mediocre, uninspiring environment/machine.

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the mediocrity expands and exists only because those at the top need it to maintain status quo, things can be different with a united front against said mediocrity and outcomes..... the problem is dumbing down with paradigms works thus far, but for how much longer.

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Powerful. Thank you. It reaffirms why in the past few years my need to walk in the woods day or night and center myself has become something I crave….in solitude and reflection, surrounded and in awe of the creation, we remember there are other ways of “being” and knowing.

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Thank YOU, Laura. Amen to that! 🙏

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and the younger generations know nothing else! lucky being born in an old fashioned hospital, going to a 18th century school, and still shopping monthly at a mom and pop store, although it looks like a box as well LOL. The weekly shopping now at Aldi - German, feels like home LOL. Sign of the times, people can no longer think outside the box. Do we know who is behind the curtain? We know the puppets... we have a suspicion who holds the threads...

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Thanks, Ingrid. I trust that all people can think outside the box. They're just conditioned not to.

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"This is why single-issue activism is so popular." SAY IT AGAIN!

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🙌 🙌 🙌 🙌

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Sharing everywhere 💗😘

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Thank you, Stella...you rock! 💗 😘

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It's a pleasure to see Lewis Mumford is not forgotten. YouTube, surprisingly, has a number of good videos featuring him. He remains relevant. Great post, Mickey.

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Thank you, as always, my friend. And I will be setting aside some time soon to look for those Mumford videos!

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This is worth watching. The whole thing.

But, if short on time, FF to MM 10:00


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Thank you, MB! You probably won't be surprised to learn I've watched this twice in my life. The cartoon format is so, so accessible.

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Not surprised at all.

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I trust others will click to check it out!

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