You may not realize how powerful you are, but the elites [sic] do
That's why they work so hard to numb you into submission
“With the present means of long-distance mass communication, sprawling isolation has proved an even more effective method of keeping a population under control, henceforth a one-way world.” (Lewis Mumford)
Thanks to the medicalization of the birthing process, most of us enter the material world in a building like this:
We may “live” stacked up in buildings like:
And be educated [sic] in another building like this:
You may eventually “make a living” in a factory like this:
Or an office building like this:
Seek to fill the inevitable emptiness in places like this:
Or this:
If you resist the pacification, they’ll try to send you to a building like this:
After years of exposure to a toxic system, you may return to this building:
Before ending up in anonymous banality like this:
If The Powers That Shouldn’t Be™ think they’ve subdued you it’s because so many folks prefer not to acknowledge the realities highlighted above. It may feel “easier” to act like a tweak here or there is all we need.
Facing up to what’s been done to us can be demoralizing therefore, many will choose to focus narrowly elsewhere. This is why single-issue “activism” is so popular.
The parasites work relentlessly to make us forget how discerning and powerful we inherently are.
We’ve had a few peeks behind the curtain, who’s ready to go full red pill?
I’m not sure why we haven’t already done so a long time ago but as Andrea Dworkin reminded us, this is our duty:
Reminder: There is no neutrality in a spiritual war.
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Loved your stack today. Firing on all cylinders as usual.
"This is why single-issue activism is so popular." SAY IT AGAIN!