Would U Pray for All the Ones Lost in Illusions, dear Micky Z ? As Way too many People on this Beautifull Planet , are still hoping & praying & expecting someone else (and that Includes a Saviour figure like Jesus Christ & Mohammed or some other God like Being , will help them Out of their pain & problems . We already live in a New Golden Era & Its Up to Each & Everyone of UmeWeAll , to Bring That COCREATION Into LIFE ! Namaste ( meaning " I honour the God in U from the God in me" ) . Blessings of Love & Peace Your Way in All Ways & Always . I Am

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With all due respect, ALL of us are lost in illusions and Jesus is not just a "savior figure" or "God-like being." I pray for us all.

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With a " God like being" I don` t mean to degrade the Wonderfull Being of Light & Great Example to Humanity & the Rebel in his Time , Jesus Christ was , dear Micky Z , at least thats what Jesus was & is in my eyes . He is my Brother in Christconsciousness

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Prayers answered with my father feeling much better

Prayers for Meghan and Marc as they await the coming of their baby. By the way, prayers answered there from last year WW request

Prayers for P,M,&L as they get started in their adult life/work

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Thank you, my brother, for these wonderful praise reports! Prayers going up for Meghan and Marc right now! 🙏

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Hi. I asked for prayer last week for my niece LeLe. Update is she’s finished with surgery 3 days in a row last weekend. There is a mass they could not remove. It is cancer. Please pray she’s released to go home today where she’ll heal for a bit before next steps. She’s 40 years old, single mom, and has 2 young sons. We’re going to visit her this weekend

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Non-stop prayers for LeLe and deep gratitude to you for being with her in person during such a trial. I also pray that she and all her loved ones will feel God's presence in your lives as He does what only He can do. 🙏

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I also have another fundraising idea for you - sell your photos. They’re amazing and a showing would make a powerful presentation of the story of the community that is NYC. Capitalize on that nostalgia for the benefit of its forgotten humanity.

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I had someone else suggest this and, so far, I've been unable to figure out how to fund the printing, framing, shipping, etc. To my eye, I'd have to price the photos very high to make the effort lucrative but perhaps I'm getting too caught up in the material. I'll pray on it, Cori, thank you. 🙏

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Please do but I’m suggesting an art gallery show 🤭 maybe they have ‘self galleries’ like indie publishing

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Ah, I love how much bigger you are thinking!

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You can keep the orignals for the gallery.

Luke 1:37

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Just print, sign, and sell copies of the photos.

©Mickey Z. 2025 1/???

You can buy an excellent color printer at any thrift store. (I have four or five.) You don't need to mount them or frame them. Refilled ink cartridges are cheap. Ship 8x10s in an 8¹½" x 11" envelope. Use the money to support your excellent mission with far more resources than you get from Substack and Patreon combined. You can even put the proceeds into a 501c3


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I will be your first customer unless Cori beats me to it.

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“Presence”! You’ve reminded me. I had a physical moment of grace yesterday. Driving to work praying for LeLe in these words “Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for LeLe that every step is is one of miraculous healing because you made us as you.” I can’t remember the precise words about our being ‘God’s image’ but then this happened. Meaning her healing was healing of God because we are His. I got an instant sensation as if my body filling up so fast so full and so joyous I felt that the sun full and bright next to my car entered my body. I felt as if I literally swelled up in every cell and then gone, like effervescence. I teared up for only a second from whatever it was rolling away like it escaped from my eyes. It was a physical manifestation. I wanted to share this as a witness, especially because during the pandemic I reached a very low and panicked place and actually rebuked God. He never abandoned me, but I’d not felt the Holy Spirit’s presence since then. I’d asked recently to recognize that I’m still filled with the trinity and then this happened. I wept like a baby.🙏🦋

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Bless you, my friend, for sharing this glorious testimony. It fills me with expectancy and gratitude. 🙏🦋

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What you felt, Cori, is the physical manifestation of God's unlimited love.

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🙏Prayers for our friend Paul whose wife Deborah lost her battle with cancer - prayers for long time family friend Marilyn who was given last rights and thanks for the role our daughter landed in an upcoming off Broadway production 🙏

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Doug, I'm sorry to hear of these losses. May those who mourn be comforted, as Jesus promised. My prayers are with them and you. 🙏 But thank you for sharing such an upbeat praise report! May this be a launching pad for your daughter! 🙏

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Prayers for all those here today and in past WWs. Prayers for all those suffering from cancers and families who have lost loved ones.

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Thank you and bless you, Bob. You're an inspiration! 🙏

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My cousin is doing a lot better. Thanks for the prayers!

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Awesome news, Sim...thank you for sharing and for enabling us to pray for your cousin! 🙏

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Today I'm grateful to God for lifting from me the desire to drink. After a 2.5 year long relapse I finally just broke down and asked Him to lift me up out of the pit (Ps 40) and He did. I'm also grateful for my prayer being answered around my living situation. I feel like I've been given a second chance at life.

Prayers for Sterling (may he find freedom from alcohol); Tracy (for her health and that she will find peace; that she will return to the Church); for Henry and Caroline (may they continue to grow together in faith and formalise their commitment through the sacrament of marriage); for Mike and Jeanne that they continue in health and service to the Lord.

Blessings, friend. Please let me know what's on your heart that I can lift up in prayer for you.

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Thank you, my friend, for such heartfelt sharing. I'm wearing a t-shirt right now that reads "Prodigal Son" and that's the image that flashed in my mind as I read your first paragraph. You have not out-sinned God's infinite mercy and now, you're back home. Bless you for taking this step and reminding us of how the LORD fulfills His promises. 🙏

I just got back from the chapel but will make a fresh note for Sterling, Tracy, Henry, Caroline, Mike, and Jeanne to bring there tomorrow, and to pray fervently for them. 🙏

Thank you for your closing sentence. For now, I'll ask you to pray that God bestow upon me the wisdom and discernment I need to fulfill the dreams He has put in my heart. 🙏

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Funny that you mentioned the Prodigal Son. When I went back to confession (after more than two years away), my priest asked me to read and meditate on LK15:11-32 as well as Galatians 5:19. Coinkydink? I think not 😇

Prayers for you brother. Thank you for your work. You might not realise it but your ministry here helped move me back to the Church. Peace, brother.

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Praying for all here today! <3

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Thank you, Jennifer! I was thinking of you earlier and added your name to my prayer/chapel note because I was confident you'd be here soon! 🙏

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I don't know how many of us here know of Dr. Peter and Ginger Breggin. (They have a Substack. )

Ginger's Mom - 98 years young - is having some health issues.

A few days ago they asked for prayers for Mom.

We can do that.

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Amen! 🙏

(I haven't followed their work in many, many years but I do recall appreciating when "Talking Back to Prozac" was first released.)

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