suggestion for a new name...

"What comes next?"

Or something about your vision of the future. Take the "post" out of it because it sounds like you are looking at building something new, and you are not living in the past. Dunno.

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Thank you, Renee! I appreciate your idea of the name being forward-looking. 🙏

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I am a bit of an apocaloptimist. I have long tired of reading about Pfizer's latest bombshell study, say, or in seeing hope put on some hero to fix things. I also have lost patience with the cutting others down finger pointing I often see, and even with the defeatist blackpilled types who write 4000 articles about how screwed we are. Self improvement spaces are still popular, but they tend to be populated with magic bullet thinking (don't consume vitamin A! Don't eat meat! Only eat meat and never eat vegetables!) and one size fits all parameters, which I think is how we got into this mess to begin with. I think the best thing you can do is go out into the world around you and reach out to others, especially those less fortunate. Jesus would approve, certainly.

I find great solace in hearing of others healing journeys and even of their hardships. We all suffer from the State, which then sets to divide us all.

Those are just my musings...

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Thank you, Amy! 🙏 Now... I just need to find a way to sum up my approach in a brief but meaningful title.

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Yes, now and then we have to stop and look around us, to see where we are and where we are going. I never listen to podcasts, I barely ever watch interviews. But I did like the uplifting pages and specially, the historical notes from the beginning. Without you I would have never gone into recent history - I just went with what little we learned in school (all lies BTW). I had over 20 subscriptions and had to quit some. Unfortunately there is a limited budget, and I only kept a few for longer than 2 years. See what comes. You went into religion and I completely gave up on it LOL. Strange how we walk the path together and then, diverse again. These past 4 years have shown, that the people I thought were my heart's friends, were not even real friends. One I have not seen in 4 months, the other going on 3 years, and we live only a few miles away. If one thing good came from it, it is that we now recognize our true friends. And I think the governments won't be able to sell a junk like that a second time although they tried. And yes, there is a lot to enjoy still. Dog, cats, trees, flowers, with the beauty of harvest colors coming soon. A walk in the rain... the bing bang of acorns on the roof. Nothing consoles more than nature ! Bless you Mickey for relieving the pain in people's hearts and souls.

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Thank you, Ingrid. 🙏

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Yes...people really like being who they think they are and their opinions are a big part of that. They just don't want to let them go because who would they be without them?? Most people, (actually the vast majority!), would rather be right than happy. Hardly anyone wants to give up their self-identity/false personality...which is so sad because it is actually giving up NOTHING for EVERYTHING!!

But the Lord (like it or not!) has got it all covered...thank God!!

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Thank you, Emmy, and amen to ALL of that! 🙏

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"Thinking Out Loud" would be a great name, Mickey.

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Thank you, my friend! I'll keep that in mind. 🙏

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Mickey’s Musings 😉

I do love how you are working to stay focused on the positive aspects of this reality. I can only raise my own consciousness, so I am working on that. Everyone has their own journey, and I enjoy reading about yours. ❤️

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Thank you, Mary! 🙏 I've been really contemplating whether the title should feature my name. I don't want to appear overly prideful. I've already done so much of that in my life... 🤔

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Telling the Truth about ourselves and our predicament is probably not going to garner a huge appreciative audience. More likely to get you 39 lashes or lowered from the city wall in a basket to hightail it outta town in the night. Thanks for the guts to speak truth to the lies.

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Much appreciated, Charles...you're very kind. 🙏

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Mickey--Post-Woke is essential reading for me. I agree 100% about movements and the circular thinking and circular firing squads they often morph into.

I love love love the name Post-Woke. To me it says it all.

But I have a thing for people who have open eyes and see where they were (maybe) wrong about stuff.

Whatever you call it--I'll be reading. And hopefully will support your efforts when I pay off my not covered by insurance periodontist bills.

Keep going Mickey!

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Aw, Regina...such generous sentiments! Thank you! ❤️ (And I was wondering if anyone would defend the original name.)

More importantly, good luck with the dental work. I pray for you to experience supernatural abundance in the coming weeks and months. 🙏

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I'm very happy to support the great work you do, Mickey. How about "Heart Revolution" or "Faith Over Fear?"

Have a great weekend!

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Thank you for these excellent suggestions, Bob, and for your ongoing support. 🙏 Here's to a great weekend for all of us. ❤️

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You do you. We’ll be here.

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Bless you, my friend! 🙏

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Whatever title and direction you choose for your platform, I know the integrity, honesty and vision of your writing will always remain. Post Woke resonated with me from the first essay I read a little over a year ago, and coupled with your mission to help vulnerable souls I was truly gratified to have found a voice who eloquently articulated many of my own thoughts. The subtitle under the Post Woke header says it all ..”where Mickey Z practices the art of Intellectual and spiritual self defense” ..we can gather and learn from this forum, enjoy fellowship and express ourselves to create a positive impact in our world. Blessings to you!

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I'm so grateful you found this Substack - regardless of its name! 🙏 You are one of the many wonderful souls I'm honored to interact with here. And your generosity has been essential to me keeping my work going. Thank you, Claire.

And you're right! While the name will likely change here, the direction will mostly continue (with plenty of room for evolution, of course). Although I'll rewrite that tagline so "spiritual" comes before "intellectual."

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Spiritual before intellectual! I like! 😊 Blessings to you 🙏

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🙏 😊 🙏

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Can't say I'll be much help, but I, too, consider you essential reading. You remind me that there's life beyond psyops and my own little bubble.

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Thank you, Jaye! 🙏 I'm so glad you found my little corner of the internet!

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My husband and I were just talking about how important it is, especially right now, to find what is good and true and beautiful and lean into it with all our might. I’m happy to have found your voice today. We need more voices peddling hope and beauty instead of existential angst and despair. Here’s a little piece I wrote along similar lines:


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Thank you, Amanda, for your kind words and for the piece you shared. It's a pleasure to meet you! 🙏 😊 🙏

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I also think "Post-Woke" is a fantastic title, and judging by ongoing scandals, is far from an exhausted theme.

Re: your blog's title, Mickey, it really depends on your new direction. You spent a lot of time exposing the darkness on a variety of fronts - and those podcasts were great, I've recently returned to a couple of them as there's such good information. I can understand you wanting to spend more time in the light, and I think that' it's good and refreshing to shine a light on the light. But are you quitting the social critique completely?

It's totally up to you of course, whichever way you choose to go, and whichever title you do that under, I will likely be reading you still.


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Thanks, Antony...much appreciated. 🙏 I'll try to respond as best I can to your point.

I don't want to address today's scandals when none of us are addressing the deep scandal of not changing inside. I also don't want to give the impression that the woke crowd is the enemy. "Post-Woke" was a self-description, not a singular call to arms.

That said, I'm still very much partaking in social critiques but through the lens of what we can realistically do. Thanks to AI algorithms, my podcasts were just preaching to the converted.

My more recent posts are asking everyone to focus on the change they can create, e.g. changing their hearts and minds, creating change in their immediate community.

So, it's not so much that have a new direction now. I just wondering how to make my Substack's name reflect what I'm actually doing. 😊

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