October 15, 2024 will mark three years for me on Substack and this space is so different from when I started it. In late 2021, much of my work (including over 100 podcasts) was focused on exposing and analyzing various elements of the Covid psyop.
I wrote about all the relevant topics and interviewed many primary skeptics. But, at some point, I could recognize that the “medical freedom movement” was behaving like other “movements” I’d known. Thus, I jumped off that train before it became, well… whatever it is now.
My current writing isn’t about rehashing the same complaints and pessimistic tropes. I cringe when I see how many folks are currently stuck in the doom-scrolling/virtue-signaling muck and mire.
I’d rather use my platform to do things like remind people that there’s far more good news in the world than they are willing to see and that they can embrace faith instead of fear to become a powerful force for positive change.
However, I also regularly warn that unless we each do relentless inner work to challenge our egos and change our hearts, we will only contribute to the negative cycle.
Correspondingly, my engagement here has dramatically decreased and my paid subscribers are running for the hills.
As I begin another year, I’m contemplating changes. For starters, I might change the name of this Substack. It could be as simple as “post-Post Woke” but I’m still pondering. (My Instagram is “Prodigal Zun” — an inside joke with myself — so that’s in the running, too.)
“Post-Woke” can give too many readers the impression that I see woke culture as the primary culprit for the state of things. Of course, that is far from the truth.
On that note, I’ll keep you appraised as October 15 approaches but your input is welcome.
Also, if the content on my Substack feels meaningful to you, I’d really appreciate it if you’d become a paid subscriber (see below), share the links, and spread the word.
It would be deeply appreciated if you’d sign up as a paid Post-Woke subscriber. It directly enables this project to keep going and growing. You can find the link at the bottom.
To make a one-time donation, please click here.
Also, to support my ongoing mission of nearly 8 years to help homeless women and other vulnerable souls on the streets of NYC:
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Thank you in advance!
Yes, now and then we have to stop and look around us, to see where we are and where we are going. I never listen to podcasts, I barely ever watch interviews. But I did like the uplifting pages and specially, the historical notes from the beginning. Without you I would have never gone into recent history - I just went with what little we learned in school (all lies BTW). I had over 20 subscriptions and had to quit some. Unfortunately there is a limited budget, and I only kept a few for longer than 2 years. See what comes. You went into religion and I completely gave up on it LOL. Strange how we walk the path together and then, diverse again. These past 4 years have shown, that the people I thought were my heart's friends, were not even real friends. One I have not seen in 4 months, the other going on 3 years, and we live only a few miles away. If one thing good came from it, it is that we now recognize our true friends. And I think the governments won't be able to sell a junk like that a second time although they tried. And yes, there is a lot to enjoy still. Dog, cats, trees, flowers, with the beauty of harvest colors coming soon. A walk in the rain... the bing bang of acorns on the roof. Nothing consoles more than nature ! Bless you Mickey for relieving the pain in people's hearts and souls.
I am a bit of an apocaloptimist. I have long tired of reading about Pfizer's latest bombshell study, say, or in seeing hope put on some hero to fix things. I also have lost patience with the cutting others down finger pointing I often see, and even with the defeatist blackpilled types who write 4000 articles about how screwed we are. Self improvement spaces are still popular, but they tend to be populated with magic bullet thinking (don't consume vitamin A! Don't eat meat! Only eat meat and never eat vegetables!) and one size fits all parameters, which I think is how we got into this mess to begin with. I think the best thing you can do is go out into the world around you and reach out to others, especially those less fortunate. Jesus would approve, certainly.
I find great solace in hearing of others healing journeys and even of their hardships. We all suffer from the State, which then sets to divide us all.
Those are just my musings...