I love that, when asked what you'd do if you could time travel, your answer is "preach the gospel" 🥰

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Thank you! It'd be kind of a retroactive Great Commission! 🙏❤️🙏

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Agreed! It’s the only thing that matters.

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Thank you, Tony...I appreciate your support!

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that meme really made me laugh - we just had some discussion of how we would survive going back in time. No one knows how to make fire, let go electricity. No one knows what herbs are edible. Is there anyone who can bare-handedly kill animals to eat? A few days without electricity due to the hurricane thought us, we are totally useless when it comes to surviving!

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Didn't the serpent tell Eve that eating the forbidden fruit would make them like God? Apparently we've forgotten how that turned out

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A friend asked me what I would do to fix the inequality in the world. I thought for a moment and replied “Get rid of money”. If we could only trade amongst ourselves with useful things we make or barter for, that others would trade useful things to us to acquire, none would have more than they need, or need more than they have. It is truly the root of all evil.

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Sign me up, brother!

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