2 hrs agoLiked by Mickey Z.

It starts with each one on a personal level. The problem is, we cannot make people do anything until they are ready.

We can be good examples, helping as much as we can in daily life and raise awareness.

Nothing more frustrating than to see "them" run against that wall again and again.. or jump off that cliff...

I have a sneaky suspicion that society needed and still needs a few wake up calls. Covid was a huge one and still, some still can't see it..

Hopefully we wake up in time to avoid another reign of terror and oppression for God knows how long..

Human kind has not learned it's lesson.. again some fell for greed and corrupted/ poisoned the whole pond.. we have been here before...

May God help us all! 🙏

Thank you Mickey!!!

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Thank you, An...but please allow me to clarify. I'm not talking about us changing anyone except ourselves. Because we're also running against that wall. 🙏

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2 hrs agoLiked by Mickey Z.

Yes!!! LOL

I do!! How arrogant!! Still working on that!!!

Thanks!!! 😳😂

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I'm still working on it, too! 🙏

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Well said! That said I will say prayers for those affected by the massive flooding. I heard parts of North Carolina and Tennessee had 12-24 inches of rain during the storm. I just went through 11 inches in 24 hours and this is a catastrophic amount. Despite this humans are an adaptive resilient type and God willing can soldier on, perhaps even having learned from the experience.

The greatest work is always in our own mind...

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Amen, Amy...and I pray you and yours have recovered from that storm! 🙏

And yes, the stories Alicen has told me about NC will not make the news but they reflect the adaptive resilience you mention.

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27 mins agoLiked by Mickey Z.

Reading this is like breathing fresh air!!

Another home run. The most liberating thing in the world is realizing you don't have to change anyone or anything but yourself. What a relief!!

I love that notion of a "circular firing squad"...so true!!

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Thank you, as always, Emmy. Here's to a supernatural level of personal evolution! adaptive resilient

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