Aug 5Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you for reminding me that it's easier to chase the red cape then the matador. Olé, Mickey!

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Olé to you, too, my friend! 🐂 Thank you for having ears to hear. 🙏

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Aug 5Liked by Mickey Z.

I never reply to posts but this one was so on target I have to give you my thanks!

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I'm grateful, Liz, for your comment and support. Thank you and please feel free to share! 🙏

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💥 BOOM. The quiet part has been said loud!

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Thank you, bestie! 🔊 I feel inspired (as per Revelation 3:16) to not be lukewarm! 🙏

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Aug 5Liked by Mickey Z.

Love this!! Another home run....Thanks.

Also, I wanted to share with you (and whomever else) a website that really resonates with me. operationterra.com I have read almost everything on it and it is compelling. And wonder if you (or anyone who reads this!) are familiar with littlechildreninthedivinewill.com?? They both point to the same thing (time/event) when all of us choose to live in God's Will (not my will but Thy Will)...coming soon!!

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Thank you, Emmy...much appreciated! 🙏 And I'll do my best to check out those two links soon!

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I can agree with much of what you observe--with a caveat: The freedom to express oneself in a public forum shouldn't be discounted as useless or unproductive. The opposite of 'freedom of self-expression' is censorship, or perhaps ennui. For all the students of philosophy who decided that there was no money in attaining a philosophy degree, and then went on to get the coveted MBA, I see a plausible error correction: without understanding the attributes of history and human consciousness, how will one choose to pursue profiting in a marketplace? When a writer is sharing a POV here on Substack(as you have just done in your article) there is a motive, or purpose behind the effort. Also, I regard Substack issues and topics from a useful vantage point: to observe how collective consciousness is coming to terms with deceits and lies propagated within a media matrix[aka 'Mockingbird Media' as I call it.] Substack provides a useful barometer in a social media realm buzzing with barely suppressed outrage. What I can say with assurance is that expressing one's POV is a gateway to deeper kinship and solidarity as we identify like-minded souls who understand the mechanics of deception. We've come a long way since 2020 and the 'beginning' of a Pharma-Fear program and harmful mRNA experiment. Will folks be fooled by the next pLandemic? What if the next big disease is actually a bioweapon and result of a purposeful 'gain-of-function' warfare agenda? We need more dialog and research in this regard. What has happened to the Geneva Convention standards? ...pax!

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Aug 5·edited Aug 5Author

I'm not sure I'm clear so I'll ask: Are you suggesting that I'm suppressing freedom of expression or promoting censorship?

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re: "Are you suggesting that I'm suppressing freedom of expression or promoting censorship?" ANSWER: No. Nor did I state this. However, tis a slippery slope when we relegate fellow soul-traveler-observer's articles to the dustbin due to our presumptions of what constitutes "useful" or "purposeful" dialog and discourse. Certain details--especially when addressing the mainstream narrative re plandemics and vaxxes--need to be further explored in order to better understand (and plausibly predict) how the Pharma-state will engage our attention during the next phase of the NWO gameplan.

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Thank you for responding but who's relegating anything? I feel like you're responding to an imaginary article about pandemics and vaccines.

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Aug 5Liked by Mickey Z.

Eloquently expressed….”…but instead to plan and implement sustainable ways to bring joy, freedom and relief into the lives of those in need”. What a beautiful and powerful way to free ourselves from the distractions that surround us! Thanks for another inspiring post. 💕🙏

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Bless you, Claire! Your generous soul inspires me! 💕🙏

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Aug 5Liked by Mickey Z.


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Aug 7Liked by Mickey Z.

Well said. I made a recent post, “Doom Diddle”, about the very same thing.

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