In a local Minnpost,com article from Dec 23, on Christian Nationalism, the author lead with the imagery of the beheading of Sophie Scholl in Germany in the 40's. That is the fear liberal intellectuals are seeding in the mind of urban liberals, about those of us in rural country. Of course there are hardly any of the horrors the writer is warning about, actually happening in America, but she makes them seem hair on fire everywhere all the time. Happy fucking holidays.
The Republican party seems incapable of protecting people from liberal democrat globalists and their depopulation scheme, with the Intelligence community and the DoD on the side of the eugenicists. I'm not sure how we defend ourselves, other than speaking truth with integrity and honesty.
Minnpost censored any and all criticism of covid policy. The commentariat there recently denounced me as an agent of Putin because I dared to point out the Jan06 committee was a Kangaroo court befitting a banana republic, and the FBI working with Twitter and social media/media generally is authoritarianism defined. They support the mutilating and sterilizing of children. So, independent they may be, but partisan zealots generally speaking.
One of the important takeaways from the current climate is that actual FASCISTS are busy calling everyone else fascists. And when one of the blackshirts called Emily a fascist at a women's rally, she informed him that she was women's chair of her local Communist Party. This is the only reply I can think to give these
(Do you know what they call the antifa types in the U.K.? Black Pampers. And good old Moley photoshopped a sign for one of them that said, "Mummy, I'll be home for tea, and I want soldiers [toast cut in rectangles] with my egg.")
LOL. I told them I would take my leave of the place before they report me to the FBI for being insufficiently supportive of authoritarianism. They have a habit there, rather than arguing with me, just declaring I am in league with the devil. They are much worse than the Christian Nationalists I know.
People are learning (the hard way) that the "Law" of personal responsibility is as intractable as the "law" of gravity...And that, entire Societies, consisting of millions of "Individuals lose their way, no Govt can save them from the inevitable "consequences" of their actions...Looks like People cannot stand too much "reality"
You're most welcome, Will, and thanks for sharing! There's a growing population of people stuck in some kind of limbo - ignored by the mainstream and mocked by much of the "resistance." It's vital that we help amplify their voices.
Thank you, JudyAnne and Mickey, for posting the excellent video from New Zealand.
I was talking online with a New Zealander who said 20 percent of the population had left the country. Another woman told me that people there are so beaten down, so exhausted. I cannot say what I would like to do to the power elites.
I fully concur. 😕
Love to you, from Canada...... ❤
Right back at ya, Stella! ❤
Mr. Trudeau is... can fill in the rest.
We Of Earth
Now Live
(Or die)
In The Twilight Zone.
Spot on.
There IS and WILL be a special place in Hell for ALL of these evil, sinister people.
In a local Minnpost,com article from Dec 23, on Christian Nationalism, the author lead with the imagery of the beheading of Sophie Scholl in Germany in the 40's. That is the fear liberal intellectuals are seeding in the mind of urban liberals, about those of us in rural country. Of course there are hardly any of the horrors the writer is warning about, actually happening in America, but she makes them seem hair on fire everywhere all the time. Happy fucking holidays.
The Republican party seems incapable of protecting people from liberal democrat globalists and their depopulation scheme, with the Intelligence community and the DoD on the side of the eugenicists. I'm not sure how we defend ourselves, other than speaking truth with integrity and honesty.
May we contribute to this goal of Sophie's: "people are awakened and stirred to action."
P.S. I see the MinnPost's description: "Nonprofit, independent journalism. Supported by readers." I so hope this is accurate and enduring!
Minnpost censored any and all criticism of covid policy. The commentariat there recently denounced me as an agent of Putin because I dared to point out the Jan06 committee was a Kangaroo court befitting a banana republic, and the FBI working with Twitter and social media/media generally is authoritarianism defined. They support the mutilating and sterilizing of children. So, independent they may be, but partisan zealots generally speaking.
One of the important takeaways from the current climate is that actual FASCISTS are busy calling everyone else fascists. And when one of the blackshirts called Emily a fascist at a women's rally, she informed him that she was women's chair of her local Communist Party. This is the only reply I can think to give these
Of course I am!
(Do you know what they call the antifa types in the U.K.? Black Pampers. And good old Moley photoshopped a sign for one of them that said, "Mummy, I'll be home for tea, and I want soldiers [toast cut in rectangles] with my egg.")
Ah, silly me to trust a word like "independent."
Btw, what's the starting pay for "agent of Putin" these days?
LOL. I told them I would take my leave of the place before they report me to the FBI for being insufficiently supportive of authoritarianism. They have a habit there, rather than arguing with me, just declaring I am in league with the devil. They are much worse than the Christian Nationalists I know.
How about asking Tucker Carlson? He's been called the same thing.
People are learning (the hard way) that the "Law" of personal responsibility is as intractable as the "law" of gravity...And that, entire Societies, consisting of millions of "Individuals lose their way, no Govt can save them from the inevitable "consequences" of their actions...Looks like People cannot stand too much "reality"
And People will be as "free" as they are "responsible"...Oh I forgot..."We" are not victim of external
circumstances...But victim of our own "belief" and expectation system....I wish to all, an awesome Holidays !!!!!
to all those that have suffered, courage. thinking of all those that died. Hoping the light may shine from now on. xxx
Thank you Mickey for sharing this New Zealand Silent No More documentary - heart-breaking and infuriating - Will be sharing - so many lies!!
You're most welcome, Will, and thanks for sharing! There's a growing population of people stuck in some kind of limbo - ignored by the mainstream and mocked by much of the "resistance." It's vital that we help amplify their voices.
Excellent point, Mickey - they learned the hard way, and should be embraced by us and supported.... - thanks!
Isn't the "resistance" just another term for the Demagogic Party?
How horrible! Trudeau is a monster!
I concur!
Thank you, JudyAnne and Mickey, for posting the excellent video from New Zealand.
I was talking online with a New Zealander who said 20 percent of the population had left the country. Another woman told me that people there are so beaten down, so exhausted. I cannot say what I would like to do to the power elites.