Vaxxed blood/New Zealanders injured by the jab/Canada tries to normalize suicide (to kids)
(death does not take a holiday)
“Around the world, Canada is increasingly becoming known for one thing: the coldblooded brutality of our euthanasia regime. From impoverished people opting for suicide because they can’t find a home and the disabled asking for lethal injections due to lack of support to veterans being actively offered MAiD (Medical Assistance in Dying) when they request services, Canada’s stories have made front pages across the globe.”
Now, Health Canada and Veterans Affairs have released a new coloring and activity book for children – normalizing the spread of assisted suicide.
(full article here)
Post-Woke reader JudyAnne sent me a video about a recent event in New Zealand organized by some of the many folks who’ve suffered adverse events from the experimental injection.
Watch the 24-minute video right here.
Learn more about Silent No More-New Zealand right here.
As Chris Nairn — the mother of a young man who died from the jab — says in the video: "Find your strength with others and don't be shut down and isolated. Find people that will support you and hear your story because you are one of many.”
On February 17, 2022, forty-five-day-old Baby Alex died of a clot so long it extended from his left knee to his heart.
That was twenty-four days after staff at Providence Sacred Heart Children’s Hospital in Spokane, Washington, had administered a transfusion using blood from vaccinated donors—explicitly against the parents’ wishes.
Read MAA’s post here:
How horrible! Trudeau is a monster!
Thank you Mickey for sharing this New Zealand Silent No More documentary - heart-breaking and infuriating - Will be sharing - so many lies!!