Jun 11Liked by Mickey Z.

Not a spider fan here, and these are big ! Until a few years ago we had here in GA quite large yellow and black spiders, but I think they might have sprayed, last year I dd not see them. I get bitten by these tiny jumping spiders, I was assured they do not bite but they do. Remember also that daddy long legs are venomous. But their fangs cannot penetrate our skin, and how much chance is there, that one will bite you in an open wound? And there is also the opening sentence : a study shows.... 90 % of studies are either not done or done poorly. So how much chance is there to fall on one of the few that are done properly, and that have been posted properly? Imagine how many poor people could get fed by all the money spent on needless studies! That can get me quite angry!

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Something tells me that you won’t encounter any, but should you, I look forward to the photos!

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👍 📸 🕷️

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Jun 11Liked by Mickey Z.

Why am I thinking of this little poem by Dennis Lee?

"There was a man who never was. This tragedy occurred because his parents, being none too smart, were born 200 years apart."

I'll just add the spiders to my list of crises that never materialized.

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Amen! 🙏

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Jun 11Liked by Mickey Z.

The implicit message in the fear-mongering is that panicky responses are in some way savvy, socially responsible, and a marker of higher social status. It's a cynical ploy and to me it's an invitation to light-hearted ridicule.

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Let the light-hearted ridicule begin!

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Jun 11Liked by Mickey Z.

I'll send the fear-mongers an invitation to my totally honest three card monte game. We can discuss the death spiders while I move the cards.

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🤣 🤣 🤣

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Jun 11Liked by Mickey Z.

When you read these articles it's so clear. It's a nothing.

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Jun 11Liked by Mickey Z.

Just like the non- exisiting killer bees...

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Thanks Mickey--I remember your post about the lantern flies. So many people told me I needed to smash them into the ground. I realized--they're all repeating what they've been told. I was too--until I read your piece. I think they run a flag up a pole and see who salutes. If everyone does/says what they're told it's a win for them.

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Thank YOU, Regina! Your comment highlights how easy it is to follow the narrative but also: how easy it is to challenge a narrative (no matter who is pushing it). 🎯

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NYC has way bigger issues to worry about than spiders. NYC has rampant crime, open-air drug use, and are overrun with illegal border crossers. I don’t think NYC will ever recover.

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The Fear Matrix™ works in many directions:


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Interesting! Thanks. That’s what I get for assuming. I no longer own a TV. The last thing I remember seeing of NYC were the BLM riots and a “Fox and Friends” where the hosts were talking about stepping over hypodermic needles in front of schools. Probably something else about rampant crime and Gov. Abbot flooding NYC with illegals. Just figured NYC had gone back to being like the days before Giuliani cleaned house.

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