Sep 17Liked by Mickey Z.

Great pics. What time that must have been.

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Thanks, Keith! It felt like a tiny, very brief glimpse at what humans can do when they cooperate.

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Sep 17Liked by Mickey Z.

I really enjoy your work, mate. I fail in all the ways you succeed 😂 I keep getting caught up in "sides" and being "right" when in reality there's no sides on a round planet and being right matters so much less than being love.

Also, as much as I value the moment in time that was OWS, I think Doug Stanhope nailed it when he talked about what a truly wasted opportunity it ended up being.

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Thank you, brother. To my eyes, though, you're too hard on yourself and too kind to me. We're all works in progress and I enjoy being the journey with you. 🙏

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Sep 17Liked by Mickey Z.

We were one of those households in Staten Island hit hard by Sandy. I remember that long before the city did anything, people, just regular people! were coming from all over to help out. When the cops showed up, all they could do was harass people, claiming "looting" (there wasn't any) and tell us horror stories about how the street would be bulldozed because it was such a biohazard. ffs. T

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I'm sorry to hear that, Lorie, but not surprised. I can recall helping folks in the Rockaways. It reached a point where the NYPD and FEMA were directing folks to Occupy Sandy because we more organized and effective!

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Sep 17Liked by Mickey Z.

i can believe that. The (eventual) official response in SI was chaotic and clearly there were a lot of different memos going around on what to do. So the early people's response (especially from out of work sanitation guys!!) and from churches, was really helpful. Made me love humans again. ;) at least non-official ones!

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