Sadly various demographics have diverse approach to virtue signaling obedience..... I suspect it is a matter of finding something that undo those triggers for people to stop obeying nonsense.

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Indeed, Debora, New Yorkers have become addicted to wearing their virtue on their face. I'll be watching with interest to see what it is that undoes those triggers.

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What my grandparents suggested, and they were mad at virtue signaling way back when in 1999 against NATO..... is worthy situations and ways people find meaning in life, instead of empty virtue signaling.

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I can definitely see that, D. Throughout my life as a writer and "activist," innumerable people have told me some version of this: "I wanna help but I don't know where to start and who to trust." I suppose that sense of learned helplessness combined with social media dopamine hits inevitably added up to a pandemic of virtue signalers.

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From all I've seen, virtue-signalling thrives in pseudo-communities, like corporations and academia. In those fake communities, social interactions are mainly performative and revolve around status. There's very little authenticity.

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Yes! Those environments breed performative behaviors.

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Erving Goffman did some great work on that: dramaturgical analysis.


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Thanks, James! Not sure when I'll get to it, but I will. 😊

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I live in the only truly poncy git area of the South Side of Chicago. It's full of wankers with degrees wearing masks. They're black, white, Hispanic, Asian, whatever. All united by their devotion to middle-class myths or morality and masks.

Blue collar areas are much more sensible.

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NYC is teeming with diversity with it comes to wankers!

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I recall. O tempora, o mores.

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Like I said on the Naked Emperors Newsletters today:

So New York ended a public transportation mandate for masks that for the most part don't prevent transmission of Covid, because there is a new booster that doesn't prevent transmission? That about sums up Covid Policy. Anything goes but actual science.

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As they say in South Florida: BINGO.

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Listen to this mask advocates voice - it could cut glass

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Make that "mandate for masks that don't prevent the transmission of the disease never proven to actually exist." If only it did (and if germ theory were real) this wouldn't be fully absurd and insane. If only.

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It's a religious cult, isn't it? Like CJ Hopkins, Makia Freeman and others have noted. And these brainwashed fools do NOT want to see evidence. If you present the facts about the oxygen-depriving, disease-causing masks, the harmful, often lethal "vaccines", or the bogus diagnostic tests, they usually angrily respond with a certain arrogance: "Don't show me that misinformation from wackos and fakes." The Gates/CIA/Trusted News Initiative propaganda campaign did a number on them. How to break through their thick skulls is a daunting challenge. In general, the more educated a vaxxed normie is, the greater will be his/her hostility and resistance to learning the truth. They are in the grip of a new religion, The New Normal/Branch Covidian, and don't want to be bothered with annoying facts.

Joe Rappaport should meet Jon Rappoport. (or Mickey Z, Toby Rogers, Tessa Lena, Mark C Miller, S Kirsch etc).

One positive sign - Very few Americans so far are lining up for more shots or boosters. Apparently the latest Mainstream Media/Pharma/CDC marketing campaign isn't working. Perhaps so many victims unfortunately have been injured by the jabs, word is spreading. The NYC school system seems to be lightening up its hysterical covid regulations somewhat (https://www.thecity.nyc/2022/8/17/23310636/covid-guidelines-for-nyc-schools-2022).

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"Joe Rappaport should meet Jon Rappoport. "

Haha, he'd def fly off the handle. We are now 30 months removed from when they first went down. For some of them, millions really, its going to take many many years, if they last.

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Thanks VV, for the reminder to not ignore the positive signs, e.g. only 7% of Americans got the fourth jab.

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Wow, only 7%! That's encouraging. Is it possible that the vaxxed zombies are finally waking up from their two-and-a-half year slumber and realizing what's been done to them by ignorant local power-grabbers and demonic health-agency bureaucrats with the full complicity of the mainstream-media presstitute whores and the "liberal" establishment? Will the damaged jabbed join forces with truth-tellers and turn their justifiable fury and scorn on those who deceived and hoodwinked them? One can only hope so.

No wonder the WHO/(WEF) is trying to impose new pandemic rules on the world whereby they would attempt to dictate "emergency" conditions in any country. They're not giving up, just the opposite.

Anyone who wants to do a blitz e-mailing to enlighten the editorial/production staff of leading "liberal" lying mouthpieces (NYT, WaPo, CNN, Ms Magazine, Rolling Stone, The Nation, etc) can get their names, titles, and email addresses from the useful website Propagandaville/Everyone Who's Anyone (http://everyonewhosanyone.com/other.html). Some sections are updated to 2021. I've found the email addresses to be 85% to 95% accurate.

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Unfortunately, the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene has "advice" posted on its website and is sending out mailings replete with lies and misinformation designed to scare and guilt parents into getting their children and babies jabbed with the toxic mRNA experimental genetic treatment. The Medical Freedom Alliance and the Medical Freedom Party's candidates have sent an open letter to Commissioner Vasan demanding that the department stop misleading parents and endangering children. You can find the letter (and maybe send him a copy yourself) here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRS4zrON1wuaQvpVLIwH4GRsHznSqPEx1vaLE_jgqfPEtRagarqN2bcZ1fGD6E_eqoLa37j7e8VGQPm/pub

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Thank you Grandma Bear for sharing that fantastic and powerful letter. It should be used as a model letter all over the country (adapted of course to local specifics). As Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, German immunologist/microbiologist, says: "If you give your child the Covid jab, you are committing a crime." It's encouraging to see that so many of the signatories to the letter are candidates for NYS Senate, Assembly, or for Congress. Maybe there is hope that this nightmare can be turned around.

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"Hardly an imposition" ... says who? Some people think a full-body burqua is hardly an imposition. Some would say shaved heads are hardly an imposition. If Rappaport can force me to wear a mask, can I force him to wear an underwire bra all day?

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From what I've been told, you don't know tyranny until you've had to wear a bra all day!

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She saw that poll which has her at 48-44 a slim lead.

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I despise all politicians but Hochul feels particularly unhinged.

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I'll be interested to see what a difference this makes in the proportion of muzzled riders on the subway. I estimated it was holding at about 50/50 and hope the majority of the muzzled half will drop them, giving me some hope that New Yorkers aren't entirely lost, but we shall see.

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Are you a New Yorker and if so, is 50/50 what you've been seeing on the subway?

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Yes, I live in Brooklyn. In a conversation with a friend on Monday about this I estimated about 50/50 and he said he actually counts people in the car when he's on the subway (and his job has him on it often) and he said he thought that was accurate. Of course, I've noticed it depends on day, time, line, etc. Let's hope it changes to 90/10 (unmasked/masked) or better.

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Thanks. I'm not on the subway as much as I used to be but 50/50 seems right.

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All my long life I hated compliance (starting with the indoctrination centers into which I was enrolled). It never occurred to me that millions and billions not only liked compliance but were physically addicted to it. We are surrounded by inane drones and abject order followers who welcome this very real final solution.

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I hear you. It's utterly demoralizing to witness so many close friends and family members succumb and having many of them essentially disown me.

I'm grateful for the many folks I've encountered who have stood their ground.

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Joe Rappaport is head of the Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled. How does he feel about the harm caused to the deaf by people wearing face masks? How did he get chosen to quote, and to have his photo in an earlier article? How come his comment has legs?

I'm sure there are New Yorkers like Joe who will marry their masks, but I've been on the subways from Day One, and over the past few weeks, most riders have been maskless. Did you notice the comments for the article? Seemed mostly ridiculing the governor for taking so long, not criticizing her. I guess I need to believe there are most New Yorkers are glad to be breathing freely, like those of us who never stopped doing so, no matter what BS they threw at us.

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Thanks, Anne...for the powerful questions and yet another reminder of the positive side of this.

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Independence of the disabled? A lot of disabilities preclude, or should, mask use!

but of course, the utterances: "science" and that favorite for its completely conclusory nature: "masks work", these utterances are magical on the one hand, and the verbal equivalent of sticking one's fingers in one's ears and closing one's eyes on the other hand (omg too many body parts in that sentence. )

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I know that the Rockefeller medicine show overtook natural medicine and all... but it still astonishes me how many so-called physicians today blatantly disregard everything the were taught in medical school ... like the simple fact that re-breathing CO2 is bad for us. It’s like peeing... it’s breathed out for a reason. So many people are suffering from lung fungus and bacterial pneumonia due to wearing these facial contraptions reminiscent of slavery practices.

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You said it, Victoria. I did a post about plastics in the lungs but couldn't find it to include it in this post.

Btw, my next podcast guest is a holistic health practitioner!

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I regret not visiting NYC before 2020. I landed in LaGuardia in 2013 but remained at the airport for a two hour layover. Got a nice aerial view of the city but didn’t get to truly experience the Big Apple.

Any chance I’ll be able to do that one day without the medical tyranny?

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Oh, they may still be requiring masks on public transport here in LA! People are still wearing masks everywhere, inside and outside. Walking down a wide, mostly deserted boulevard wearing a mask. This is a working class, primarily latino and black neighborhood, not gentrified. And this is in LA where we rarely need to be close to each other outside. Sometimes I see people driving cars alone, wearing masks. To me it seems to be primarily the younger people, for whom the virtue signal is about extreme safety consciousness. (The opposite of my generation, which like to signal extreme disregard of risk.)

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DC's mask dictate was dropped back in March, after the federal court decision ending the CDC mask requirements. But for weeks, announcements on DC buses and metro told us masks were required "under federal law," which was an obvious lie. I repeatedly contacted Metro to stop this, and they pointed to their website showing there was no masking rule anymore. Ok then. Nevermind.

Anyhow, in a bit of bad news for the few non-zombie New Yorkers left, at least half of riders on buses and trains in DC still wear masks, including the majority of young (under 21) people and at least half of Black riders. Those numbers are consistently dropping, and it's been months since I was yelled at for not wearing one.

This is a good opportunity to tell people to please take off their masks., like we've all been nagged these last two years. Masks demean all of us, and it's a good conversation starter.

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