Sep 28, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

Catastrophizing and apocalypticism are sometimes very tempting. I have a weakness for them. It doesn't help that they're both constantly reinforced by the perjured media. It's helped quite a bit to almost entirely excise my exposure to that.

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I deeply admire your self-awareness, James, and your commitment to self-improvement. Thank you.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

Very true!

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Thank you! 🙂

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It is very easy falling into the trap of becoming addicted to the frisson of ‘being right about being wronged’, for sure…

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I concur!

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.


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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

it is best to watch both sides throw mud at each other, and see if anyone does not do it. Usually they are just as bad. And the press on the side of those not in the govt is usually the one to follow, but now there is not much left on the rep side, since fox has sided with the dems. This time the voting will probably end up between 2 people i honestly detest - I wish Kennedy would go third party so I could vote for someone. there are some decent people here in GA for whom I will vote.

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Is party affiliation the only thing stopping you from voting for RFK? (write-ins are possible & inform the powers that be)

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

You're in luck with RFK. He's now running as an independent, not a Dem.

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indeed. the thing is, if he were to win, how is he going to get these people in the govt to follow where he wants to go - the dems have demonstrated very well, they will not give him a straw. I am not sure how many reps will. We should send all the dems that block him home, without any pay.

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Mickey Z.

"...I've pitched my tent in the land of hope". Yes!

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Bustin' out the marshmallows and graham crackers outside these tents of hope!

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May the campground keep growing and never stop hoping!

⛺ ⛺ ⛺ ⛺

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I am right there with you, a few tents down...

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Yay! 🙏

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Sounds like two valleys where they can echo themselves til the cows come home. I’ll camp out on the mountaintop thanks - above the mess with a clearer view of everything.

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I like to ask “Who ultimately benefits from what I’m being asked to believe?”. That usually helps me cut through the BS being spewed from both sides. Remember, Left Wing and Right Wing are attached to the same bird. 😉

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Amen! 🙏

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I'd like to just stop using any of those political buzzword labels. The only ones that have a generally accepted definition are "Republican" and "Democrat," and then only for politicians running under that party's banner, and a few other people who openly self-identify with a party. "Liberal, conservative, left-wing, right-wing, socialist, reactionary, communist, fascist, Marxist, patriot": none of those terms are meant the same way by everyone who uses the word or hears it, and none actually represents a clear stand on any issue.

For example, "woke." I have no idea what people mean when they use that word. Sometimes it seems to be an epithet thrown at people who are concerned about "climate change," or who advocate for transgender rights. But I first encountered that term decades ago, from my Black activist friends, for whom it meant "aware of how the system grinds down people and communities." It had nothing to do with any of the issues it seems to be thrown at now, to label people or ideas someone disagrees with. (In fact, I'd love to know what Micky Z means by it in the title "Post-Woke."

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