One thing that has always disturbed me(among many about war) is that former military service suicides here at home are never counted as war casualties. Then what the fuck are they? We are taught from an early age on that killing others is bad. Then at the magic age of 18 we have to sign up with selective services and be available to...wait for it...start killing with full US Government approval.
I had two personal friends move to Canada in the mid 70's to avoid jail because they didn't want to be sent to the 'Nam and kill fellow humans. I also knew a fellow model airplane club member that was shot down and died flying a chopper in the 'Nam in '71. I've been a staunch anti-war pacifist ever since. I also quit flying model planes later in '71, it just lost its magic after that tragedy. I actually won a National Championship flying a model plane back in '68 at 14. The year the 'Nam should have ended after Tet. Peace, The Ol' (anti-war) Hippy
"Many a man will have the courage to die gallantly, but will not have the courage to say, or even think, that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one."
so true. An army is supposed to defend the OWN country, that is the 50 states, not going to fight wars in overseas countries where they have no business. In the meanwhile, the country is run over by gangs from all over the place, killing Americans. I am not against immigration at all, I am an immigrant myself, but it should be controlled, not let everyone in (cost me a lot to become a legal citizen!)
Maine is one of the worst states when it comes to swoon; we have the highest percentage of veterans of any state. And here's the absolute lie about the economic motivation: Maine has a great community college system. You get out with an actual skill and you don't end up head-over-heels in debt. Our CCs are all over the state so everyone basically has access unless they live in Clayton Lake. I watched a friend's two sons -- whom her former husband had abandoned and her female partner had abused -- enlist and I realized they would do anything to have a DADDY. Sure enough, sarge makes you write home to mummy every week and from complete chaos you now have some structure in your life.
Great piece Mickey. My dad refused to fight in WW2 and ended up in prison camps for it. I'm glad he did, as I think I probably wouldn't be here if he had enlisted.
Mickey, it looks like all the comments on this article back you up. I don’t, and I know lots of Veterans who agree with me, enlisted men and draftees. Should we just hide under our beds and forget there are bad guys out there who want to take our freedom away? The freedom to express viewpoints like yours and those who agree with you? I think some of the problems Vets have are real, and need to be addressed, but I still support our Vets and can honestly say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE”! BTW, I served 2 years in the Army from 1966 - 1968, including 7 months in Viet Nam.
Nothing I've written in my post or in my comments is a personal attack but you've taken it personally. Let's talk about this off line to avoid any further misunderstanding.
One thing that has always disturbed me(among many about war) is that former military service suicides here at home are never counted as war casualties. Then what the fuck are they? We are taught from an early age on that killing others is bad. Then at the magic age of 18 we have to sign up with selective services and be available to...wait for it...start killing with full US Government approval.
I had two personal friends move to Canada in the mid 70's to avoid jail because they didn't want to be sent to the 'Nam and kill fellow humans. I also knew a fellow model airplane club member that was shot down and died flying a chopper in the 'Nam in '71. I've been a staunch anti-war pacifist ever since. I also quit flying model planes later in '71, it just lost its magic after that tragedy. I actually won a National Championship flying a model plane back in '68 at 14. The year the 'Nam should have ended after Tet. Peace, The Ol' (anti-war) Hippy
Excellent point, John: former military service suicides here at home are never counted as war casualties.
And I appreciate you sharing that personal story of war-related loss.
"Many a man will have the courage to die gallantly, but will not have the courage to say, or even think, that the cause for which he is asked to die is an unworthy one."
-- Bertrand Russell
So many people would rather die than admit they were wrong.
so true. An army is supposed to defend the OWN country, that is the 50 states, not going to fight wars in overseas countries where they have no business. In the meanwhile, the country is run over by gangs from all over the place, killing Americans. I am not against immigration at all, I am an immigrant myself, but it should be controlled, not let everyone in (cost me a lot to become a legal citizen!)
Well said, Mickey - thanks!! Empires always indoctrinate to glorify war ...
Thank YOU, Will!
Maine is one of the worst states when it comes to swoon; we have the highest percentage of veterans of any state. And here's the absolute lie about the economic motivation: Maine has a great community college system. You get out with an actual skill and you don't end up head-over-heels in debt. Our CCs are all over the state so everyone basically has access unless they live in Clayton Lake. I watched a friend's two sons -- whom her former husband had abandoned and her female partner had abused -- enlist and I realized they would do anything to have a DADDY. Sure enough, sarge makes you write home to mummy every week and from complete chaos you now have some structure in your life.
Great piece Mickey. My dad refused to fight in WW2 and ended up in prison camps for it. I'm glad he did, as I think I probably wouldn't be here if he had enlisted.
Much respect to your Dad and yes, I'm SO glad you're here! Thank you, Allyn...
Mickey, it looks like all the comments on this article back you up. I don’t, and I know lots of Veterans who agree with me, enlisted men and draftees. Should we just hide under our beds and forget there are bad guys out there who want to take our freedom away? The freedom to express viewpoints like yours and those who agree with you? I think some of the problems Vets have are real, and need to be addressed, but I still support our Vets and can honestly say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE”! BTW, I served 2 years in the Army from 1966 - 1968, including 7 months in Viet Nam.
I appreciate you commenting but I don't see how your points counter anything I said in the article.
Also, how did the men who fought in Viet Nam have anything to do with my exercising my freedom of speech?
Nothing I've written in my post or in my comments is a personal attack but you've taken it personally. Let's talk about this off line to avoid any further misunderstanding.
Okay. Thinking about what I replied I probably did take it personally to some degree because of my military experiences. Sorry about that.
Thank you and we're all good. 💕