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Mickey, it looks like all the comments on this article back you up. I don’t, and I know lots of Veterans who agree with me, enlisted men and draftees. Should we just hide under our beds and forget there are bad guys out there who want to take our freedom away? The freedom to express viewpoints like yours and those who agree with you? I think some of the problems Vets have are real, and need to be addressed, but I still support our Vets and can honestly say “THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE”! BTW, I served 2 years in the Army from 1966 - 1968, including 7 months in Viet Nam.

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I appreciate you commenting but I don't see how your points counter anything I said in the article.

Also, how did the men who fought in Viet Nam have anything to do with my exercising my freedom of speech?

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Nov 12, 2022
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Nothing I've written in my post or in my comments is a personal attack but you've taken it personally. Let's talk about this off line to avoid any further misunderstanding.

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Okay. Thinking about what I replied I probably did take it personally to some degree because of my military experiences. Sorry about that.

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Thank you and we're all good. 💕

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