Thanks, Mickey.

Everything old is new again.

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Up here, most of the country is unaccustomed to protesting. Canadiansare too nice...or apathetic.

Something has shifted. I KNOW paid activism is a "thing". But it doesn't count.

We can see when we're hitting buttons, because our PM disappears for a few days. He's hiding under a bed, or getting instructions from his keepers, or something. Happens EVERY TIME something boils up.

I don't know what to think. Protesting is not my happy place but sometimes you gotta DO something

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government does not listen to the people and never has. Last voting, the majority voted to stop the time change. Georgia and a few other eastern states voted (about 65 %) to keep summer hour. But the national govt decided we must stay on summer hour because the children. A friend brought up that indeed the kids are standing in the dark at 7.10 when the bus comes. So - why don't they change the school hours? If school starts half an hour later the problem is solved. Thinking of it, when I went to school 50 years ago in Belgium, we went on bicycle or by foot in the dark, and came home in the dark. I think children are too pampered today, when they grow up they will not be able to face even the dark. They only will remember being face diapered.

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When free speech zones cane about during the Bush regime they neutered the disruptive ability of a protest.

So corral everyone is a nice safe space where no one will see or hear them.

I can’t tell you how many times I have seen or heard of a protests days or weeks after.

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Too true. Spent a lot of my life on those "lines" and always felt like an imposter. The chants, the fist pumps, the happy-happy-we're doing something! phony false-ego-elation...

Now I've matured, I've put time into deep reading, and I agree with you wholeheartedly.

Glad to finally grow up and out of that "lefty-progressive" trap-vent.

At least now I can breathe without feeling like an imposter.

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I can’t see my earlier comment on here. Which tells me I made a good decision not to be a paid subscriber unless it’s just a mistake because censorship is loathsome in all its forms.

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