If Westerners virtue-signal in support [sic] of folks in China fighting for their freedom against pandemic restrictions, why do they endorse lockdowns and mandates in their own countries?
Having read info from Chinese sources, it seems a color revolution attempt.... so I do not care how idiots, and lockdown supporters take it ..... overthrowing a legitimate Govt. is not welcome. Just like I do not like agencies harming with covid in the West, I do not like them doing it in China, or Iran or Russia.
I've wondered what the Chinese government is thinking with these policies. Is it simply authoritarian control -- simplistic Western view -- or something else? I do not trust the so-called news for one second, and I would like to read some serious investigative pieces about what's happening in China.
I'm aware of the color revolution theories but I feel my post is still valid. Whether or not the rebellion is orchestrated, I have the same questions for the lockdown lovers of the West.
Also, I'd post that no current government is truly legitimate.
I am no lockdown supporter, and to be honest, I also well aware of PNAC biowarfare program designed to attack specific genotypes.... thus I stand with China on this..... to each their own.... on Govts choices, but when a Govt and policy has 80%+ approval rate 3 year in a row..... well I stand with them even if unpopular. I may need to add, color revolution part is well documented by a few sources already , HK 2.0, so anyhow.... supporting a N*zi agency that has killed millions since 1945, and USA in this goes against anything I stand.
The Chinese Congress just convened and "chose" Xi to be the leader again. Do you think the approximately 1.4 billion other Chinese people had any vote in that?
Citing 'Fiorella Isabel': I am very much against COVID lockdowns. Doesn’t mean I will allow my personal belief to be weaponized for regime change by the western countries who led some of the most draconian behavior regarding COVID & give a reductive analysis’ pretending I have jurisdiction over what a sovereign nation like China does and assume that their beliefs are the same as mine.
I agree with you both, but perhaps I fall a bit closer to you, Debora, because I am FUCKING SICK of U.S. self-righteousness. What do we have to be self-righteous about? Our falling over like dominos for lockdowns, masks, economic chaos, the murder of thousands of people, and vaccines? How about all those military bases and endless wars?
I just saw someone post the media saying lockdown protesters would have blood on their hands next to the NYT headline about how horrible it is to quash lockdown protests. I know your post wasn't about U.S. self-righteousness and I know you oppose such grotesquerie, but wherever one turns in this society the stink of self-righteousness fills one's nostrils.
10 (TEN) deaths in an apartment fire that no one says was intentional and are not directly related to covid policies (unlike the hundreds in nursing homes here) and the true story is that this spontaneously mobilized millions of Chinese to take to the streets demanding the overthrow of their government??? In the U.S., full of "tougher, more individualistic and independent people," nothing like this happened after the Haymarket Riots, the famous New York garment fire that killed hundreds of people due to INTENTIONAL safety violations, and the INTENTIONAL withholding of benefits to WW1 veterans after a war almost the entire country was against. One would have to be naieve to believe there is NOT western/intelligence operations going on here. As one of that small minority of lifelong (real, not Biden Democrat) left leaners who supports all anti-lockdown and anti-mandate actions and protests, I'm not sold this is even PRIMARILY an anti-covid uprising. I basically agree with Debora, Susan and Fiorella Isabel here. To me, it is more probable than farfetched that the pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine technocratic global totalitarian elitists would back this (and the simultaneous boogeymanning of Iran AGAIN). Like "warriors on terror" back Al qaeda during the "Arab Spring" and in Syria. Or "humanitarian interventionists" back fascists in Ukraine. I do fully agree with Mickey's first meme about the covidian virtue signalers. The second part, not so simple. You can quietly support the people in China without blatantly or financially "standing with them" if you believe they're being played at least in part. And I'm suspicious of the old, "Support them or you're an appeaser!!" mantra, used to justify almost every war since World War II.
In the second paragraph, "If westerners don't virtue-signal in support ...., well, they obviously approve tyranny everywhere." I took the statement literally. I'm not particularly into virtue signaling support, but I don't approve tyranny everywhere. I don't approve it anywhere. If the statement was meant tongue in cheek, I misunderstood and apologize.
I believe both Jon Rappoport & Dr. Joseph Sansone have also made this noble, but only apparently-contradictory, observation.
I guess The American Hierarchy & supporting Media, want it both ways, or to have their cake so it can be eaten also.
And We The People follow along.
Individually, I have no idea what to do that would change things. How does one support the People of China, fighting against their lockdowns, in an effective manner, to bring about positive change ?
Unfortunately, & I hope I'm incorrect, but it seems that energetically, a point must be reached, chaos of some sort, which may provide, again, an energetic circumstance or field, in which swift change has a better allotment toward fruition.
Thanks so much, Paul. In many instances, what matters is that we stand up to tyranny wherever we see it and can effect a change. As Camus wrote: "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
So let me offer this "resistance," not purposely against anything, but merely how I think about things in an achievable manner.
"Power-in-numbers" seems essential to me at this time, considering the "enourmatude," of the surrounding largesse of opposing douchebagary.
"Momentum" also is an & will provide an essential motive "force." But You/I both know a heavy object, if even on a slick surface, requires that initial surmounting energy to override its sitting-still inertia, its tendency to "resist" motion. And yes yes, we both know of long levers & fulcrums to nudge planets.
I'm not disbelieving, simply uncertain of the "how," within the present "manufactured surrounding" framework.
Having read info from Chinese sources, it seems a color revolution attempt.... so I do not care how idiots, and lockdown supporters take it ..... overthrowing a legitimate Govt. is not welcome. Just like I do not like agencies harming with covid in the West, I do not like them doing it in China, or Iran or Russia.
I've wondered what the Chinese government is thinking with these policies. Is it simply authoritarian control -- simplistic Western view -- or something else? I do not trust the so-called news for one second, and I would like to read some serious investigative pieces about what's happening in China.
I'm aware of the color revolution theories but I feel my post is still valid. Whether or not the rebellion is orchestrated, I have the same questions for the lockdown lovers of the West.
Also, I'd post that no current government is truly legitimate.
I am no lockdown supporter, and to be honest, I also well aware of PNAC biowarfare program designed to attack specific genotypes.... thus I stand with China on this..... to each their own.... on Govts choices, but when a Govt and policy has 80%+ approval rate 3 year in a row..... well I stand with them even if unpopular. I may need to add, color revolution part is well documented by a few sources already , HK 2.0, so anyhow.... supporting a N*zi agency that has killed millions since 1945, and USA in this goes against anything I stand.
I hear you, Deb, but for the record: I do not stand with any gov't and I'm not singling out China.
But again, the purpose of my post was to highlight the hypocrisy of Western virtue signalers.
The Chinese Congress just convened and "chose" Xi to be the leader again. Do you think the approximately 1.4 billion other Chinese people had any vote in that?
Citing 'Fiorella Isabel': I am very much against COVID lockdowns. Doesn’t mean I will allow my personal belief to be weaponized for regime change by the western countries who led some of the most draconian behavior regarding COVID & give a reductive analysis’ pretending I have jurisdiction over what a sovereign nation like China does and assume that their beliefs are the same as mine.
I agree with you both, but perhaps I fall a bit closer to you, Debora, because I am FUCKING SICK of U.S. self-righteousness. What do we have to be self-righteous about? Our falling over like dominos for lockdowns, masks, economic chaos, the murder of thousands of people, and vaccines? How about all those military bases and endless wars?
Once again, this post is not about U.S. self-righteousness (which I have been writing and speaking about for decades).
I just saw someone post the media saying lockdown protesters would have blood on their hands next to the NYT headline about how horrible it is to quash lockdown protests. I know your post wasn't about U.S. self-righteousness and I know you oppose such grotesquerie, but wherever one turns in this society the stink of self-righteousness fills one's nostrils.
10 (TEN) deaths in an apartment fire that no one says was intentional and are not directly related to covid policies (unlike the hundreds in nursing homes here) and the true story is that this spontaneously mobilized millions of Chinese to take to the streets demanding the overthrow of their government??? In the U.S., full of "tougher, more individualistic and independent people," nothing like this happened after the Haymarket Riots, the famous New York garment fire that killed hundreds of people due to INTENTIONAL safety violations, and the INTENTIONAL withholding of benefits to WW1 veterans after a war almost the entire country was against. One would have to be naieve to believe there is NOT western/intelligence operations going on here. As one of that small minority of lifelong (real, not Biden Democrat) left leaners who supports all anti-lockdown and anti-mandate actions and protests, I'm not sold this is even PRIMARILY an anti-covid uprising. I basically agree with Debora, Susan and Fiorella Isabel here. To me, it is more probable than farfetched that the pro-lockdown, pro-vaccine technocratic global totalitarian elitists would back this (and the simultaneous boogeymanning of Iran AGAIN). Like "warriors on terror" back Al qaeda during the "Arab Spring" and in Syria. Or "humanitarian interventionists" back fascists in Ukraine. I do fully agree with Mickey's first meme about the covidian virtue signalers. The second part, not so simple. You can quietly support the people in China without blatantly or financially "standing with them" if you believe they're being played at least in part. And I'm suspicious of the old, "Support them or you're an appeaser!!" mantra, used to justify almost every war since World War II.
This is why I want to read some investigative coverage.
With all due respect, your comment does not seem related to my post. What "second part" are you referring to?
In the second paragraph, "If westerners don't virtue-signal in support ...., well, they obviously approve tyranny everywhere." I took the statement literally. I'm not particularly into virtue signaling support, but I don't approve tyranny everywhere. I don't approve it anywhere. If the statement was meant tongue in cheek, I misunderstood and apologize.
They'll be proven hypocritical
You're A Good Egg Mr. Z. !
& In Good Sted, too.
I believe both Jon Rappoport & Dr. Joseph Sansone have also made this noble, but only apparently-contradictory, observation.
I guess The American Hierarchy & supporting Media, want it both ways, or to have their cake so it can be eaten also.
And We The People follow along.
Individually, I have no idea what to do that would change things. How does one support the People of China, fighting against their lockdowns, in an effective manner, to bring about positive change ?
Unfortunately, & I hope I'm incorrect, but it seems that energetically, a point must be reached, chaos of some sort, which may provide, again, an energetic circumstance or field, in which swift change has a better allotment toward fruition.
Time will tell, I reckon.
Thanks so much, Paul. In many instances, what matters is that we stand up to tyranny wherever we see it and can effect a change. As Camus wrote: "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
WOW, I like that !
So let me offer this "resistance," not purposely against anything, but merely how I think about things in an achievable manner.
"Power-in-numbers" seems essential to me at this time, considering the "enourmatude," of the surrounding largesse of opposing douchebagary.
"Momentum" also is an & will provide an essential motive "force." But You/I both know a heavy object, if even on a slick surface, requires that initial surmounting energy to override its sitting-still inertia, its tendency to "resist" motion. And yes yes, we both know of long levers & fulcrums to nudge planets.
I'm not disbelieving, simply uncertain of the "how," within the present "manufactured surrounding" framework.
Still thinking, that's all.
Thank you.
Thank you 🙂