If Westerners virtue-signal in support [sic] of folks in China fighting for their freedom against pandemic restrictions, why do they endorse lockdowns and mandates in their own countries?
If Westerners don’t virtue-signal in support [sic] of folks in China fighting for their freedom against pandemic restrictions, well… they obviously prefer tyranny everywhere.
You're A Good Egg Mr. Z. !
& In Good Sted, too.
I believe both Jon Rappoport & Dr. Joseph Sansone have also made this noble, but only apparently-contradictory, observation.
I guess The American Hierarchy & supporting Media, want it both ways, or to have their cake so it can be eaten also.
And We The People follow along.
Individually, I have no idea what to do that would change things. How does one support the People of China, fighting against their lockdowns, in an effective manner, to bring about positive change ?
Unfortunately, & I hope I'm incorrect, but it seems that energetically, a point must be reached, chaos of some sort, which may provide, again, an energetic circumstance or field, in which swift change has a better allotment toward fruition.
Time will tell, I reckon.
They'll be proven hypocritical