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Feb 17, 2023
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When you realize that nicotine is more addictive than heroin, you begin to understand.

That said, someone I knew quit smoking by switching to tobacco-only cigarettes. She went with that for a while and then found she had no trouble quitting cigarettes entirely. Hmmm.

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I am old enough to remember the "Dingbat" posters in doctors' offices. They were colourful and funny. I believe Squibb was the sponsor.

They're gone now. Sadly, the dingbats are as plentiful as ever

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Thanks, Jaye. Is this an example of what you mean: https://garbagefinds.com/2012/10/06/poster-vaccination-clinic-in-dingbatland

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Yes indeed!

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Someone once said that the ability to think is God’s gift to you. What you think about is your gift to yourself! Unfortunately we live in a time and place where we are encouraged and reminded to listen to so called experts instead of using discernment and common sense.

I quit smoking 35 years ago. Once finished I realized that the only thing they were good for was to satisfy my craving for them. Nowadays you see people saying they always listen to their doctor. They need to be reminded that these clowns are not experts but rather agents of the sick care industry.

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After reading the non-censored medical professionals on Twitter, I'm convinced I'd be better off treating any chronic illness with advice from YouTube videos and Substack posts. They're nasty, heartless, vindictive people, and proud of their willful stupidity.

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The only thing they're good for is physical trauma treatment. And why is that? Because our government has spent a lot of money treating WAR-related physical trauma.

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Well said.

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The medical industry, in its infinite wisdom, has promoted some of the most barbaric, toxic "cures": lobotomies, mercury, arsenic, etc. I'm going to throw out some crazy conspiracy theories.

People have been smoking tobacco in its pure form for centuries without problems until the advent of commercial tobacco farming/manufacturing. I believe that the government needed to come up with a scapegoat for lung cancer, so they blamed "tobacco" to cover up the fact that insecticides/herbicides that are approved by our govt as "safe and effective" were the REAL culprits for lung cancer. Apparently, some of the most toxic chemicals were and are still used in tobacco farming. Arsenic, DDT, glyphosate just to name a few.

What if the tobacco and medical industries figured out that by working in cahoots, they could both cash in. Perhaps the medical industry wasn't really hired to find a "safer" cigarette but were covertly trying to make cigarettes more addictive and harmful. A win-win for both industries.

I also believe causing chronic illness under the guise of "public health" is the REAL agenda behind all vaccines (not just the COVID jab). It seems as though big pharma developed different lots of COVID jabs to illicit specific adverse reactions to make it difficult for people to connect the dots: Cardiac, neurologic, joint/muscle pain, clotting/stroke, anaphylaxis, pneumonia, sudden death. They also threw in placebos to confuse people so not everyone would have a reaction. I believe they put placebos in lots of ALL childhood vaccines. Dr. Andrew Wakefield compiled pharma documents proving that they know exactly what they are doing. Here is a link to his film, 1986: the Act, and the documents. https://7thchakrafilms.com/film-info/the-documents Boy, you'd think mainstream media would have been chomping at the bit to cover this story...nope, crickets. Big pharma causes the chronic illnesses and then they magically have a "cure" waiting in the wings. Not surprising, big pharma thinks they now have a magic pill to "cure" autism (aka brain damage from vaccines). Encephalopathy and encephalitis are listed as adverse reactions on vaccine inserts.

Another source to watch proving that they know exactly what they are doing comes right from the horse's mouth. You may have already seen the 9-hour deposition of Stanley Plotkin. He is the "Godfather" of vaccines and is worshipped by the CDC. Essentially, he admits the industry uses Nazi techniques to "test" vaccines and admits he tested his products on orphans and handicapped children. Here is one portion of this sociopath's testimony. It's well worth watching the entire 9 hours. So, you're right that we shouldn't trust the medical industry.


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Thank you, Laura, for such a thought-provoking comment. I'm heading outside now but will check out your links as soon as I can!

Btw, I wrote about Plotkin here: https://mickeyz.substack.com/p/meet-the-godfather-of-vaccines

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And yet...........the Government sued the Tobacco industry.

The playbook....

Cause the problem. Lie about the problem so it grows. Fix the problem and file lawsuits to save the day.

Our heroes!!!

I truly don't believe anything anymore. My Dad and his generation were correct. They were so cynical, didn't trust the Government, hated the press.....this sentiment goes back a long ways.

My Great Uncle Eddy was brought up the Sedition Act of 1918?? World War I protester. My Uncle Eddy was a Priest.

The powerful will never change. That's why powers are delegated, have checks and balances, are decentralized, regulated knowing fraud will occur.

We have to get this ball rolling.............

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Wow...I've written about the Sedition Act but this is the first time I've encountered anyone connected to one of tis targets! Thanks, Fritz!

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That is one outstanding summary, Mick. Thanks for posting!!

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Thanks for reading and commenting!

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Always worth a reminder with amnesia rampant…

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