Thanks, Malo. "Real life" is gonna put The Onion out of business.
And I hear you about parents. Those who speak common sense are indeed condemned. But elsewhere, WAY too many parents are happily imposing the trans agenda onto their own kids.
As an old woman I can't tell you how fucking sick I am of men's "feelings." There is a real world out there, rich and beautiful (and under siege from "civilization"), filled with living beings and wonder. I wish people would take their "feelings," which appear to be self-indulgence masquerading as "emotions," and choke on them!
Even with the hormones and surgery - he appears to be a man. What's crazy is if a 31 year old woman wanted to play with that group - I'll bet she would be denied.
Thanks, Malo. "Real life" is gonna put The Onion out of business.
And I hear you about parents. Those who speak common sense are indeed condemned. But elsewhere, WAY too many parents are happily imposing the trans agenda onto their own kids.
The guy has a breakable nose.
Someone just emailed me about him, offering "baseball bat therapy"!
That sounds like a reasonable therapeutic modality.
I think the guy is hopeless, honestly. Once creeps get away with dragging innocents into their sickness, they've willingly shredded their humanity.
As an old woman I can't tell you how fucking sick I am of men's "feelings." There is a real world out there, rich and beautiful (and under siege from "civilization"), filled with living beings and wonder. I wish people would take their "feelings," which appear to be self-indulgence masquerading as "emotions," and choke on them!
I’m a “senior citizen” and I approve this message.
Even with the hormones and surgery - he appears to be a man. What's crazy is if a 31 year old woman wanted to play with that group - I'll bet she would be denied.
Excellent point.