What’s the “best gift” a grown man could ever get? Easy, declares Marjolein Schepers, it’s being allowed to change in the teenage girls’ dressing room.
“I’m 31 years old, but I don’t feel that way. I’m full of hormones, and I feel like a 15-year-old girl,” he said. (Wait… isn’t it “transphobic” to call someone a “girl”?) Not having to change in a separate room, according to Schepers, is “the best gift I could get.”
Welcome to Clown World where woke credibility ranks far above the safety and privacy of young girls (and women of all ages).
Reminder: It ends when we stop complying.
As an old woman I can't tell you how fucking sick I am of men's "feelings." There is a real world out there, rich and beautiful (and under siege from "civilization"), filled with living beings and wonder. I wish people would take their "feelings," which appear to be self-indulgence masquerading as "emotions," and choke on them!
The guy has a breakable nose.