oh how I love this post! people 'without a job' are usually considered lazybutts ! I remember the denigrating words of my ex-sister-in-law when she realized I wanted to be a housewife! What is wrong with doing your household, raising your own children (which unfortunately I could not have), painting your home yourself, gardening ? seems like it is a crime nowadays! I still urge young women to NOT take job outside, and do all this. Thankfully the few I know do. One homeschools her 5 children, the other has a toddler and I hope she will homeschool too! When I was I kid, of the 33 girls in our classroom none had a working mom. We were all on the poor side, a few a bit better off, but with only dad working. And several studied on to become nurses, teachers, etc. All on one wage. Comparing the houses nowadays to what we grew up in, dads house fits twice in the new next door. For 2 people. I should shut up because my cabin in the woods, 1600 sq is way too big for one woman and her dog LOLOL At least it is a cardboard box!

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Yes! Bless you, Ingrid, for following your heart.

Any system built on a financial foundation will manipulate others to (literally) buy into the scheme and thus surrender their dreams in the process. Each time we rebuke "conventional wisdom," we move the culture one step closer to freedom.

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and you help us with that ! thanks to people like you, and several friends, who appreciate my home knit socks and home stitched aprons, I feel good again ! learning how to sew 35 years ago helped me to climb out of the depressive moods and grow up LOL. good old handicrafts are worth more than a big bank account! bless you Mickey for what you do !

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❤️ 😇 ❤️

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The "get a job" scorn has a strong whiff of the same kind of status-fixation/status assertion that plagues activist organisations. The end result is a vacuous, sanctimonious performance. What a waste.

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🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯

You said it, James! It's like playing a game of dueling delusions.

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I wonder how many of the "activists"at some events are actually paid for their presence; thus it is their job.

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In all my many years as an activist, I never saw this in action. I'm not saying it never happens but my gut feeling is that it's as much a canard as "get a job."

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So much of what we considered conventional wisdom has turned out to be prison bars; so ubiquitous and threaded in to our world, we can't see them, so we don't even question them.

I'm with you on activism - no can do. And I cringe when 'get a job' advice is thrown around AS IF one size fits all. (I usually remind the advice giver of Vincent Van Gogh, who drove his parents fully crazy with worry in his inability to get or keep a job. Without his bro Theo he would have been screwed. So much worry, so much hand-wringing - and with hindsight we can all appreciate that proportional to the impact he would have on the world, Vincent's lack of employment was hardly worth the mention.


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Wow...thanks, Kathleen! This is a legit mic drop moment: "So much of what we considered conventional wisdom has turned out to be prison bars; so ubiquitous and threaded into our world, we can't see them, so we don't even question them."

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It is the case though, ain't it? Unthinkable as a consideration just a handful of years ago. But once you see it, you can't unsee it.

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"Once you see it, you can't unsee it." From this, we can derive an abundance of hope!

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Thank you, Kathleen, for adding your powerful thoughts to this post. I appreciate it!

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Thank you, Mickey.

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Somehow I feel a similarity between the "get a job" put down and the "love it or leave it" put downs common during the Vietnam War (though I still occasionally hear it today).

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Amen to that, Howard! Both phrases reduce issues to a simple, but wildly inaccurate dismissal. Meanwhile, what better way to love a country than to challenge it to do better?

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Beautifully stated truths that are often hidden or ignored in our culture that is, as you say so well, "hypnotized by materialism."Thanks Mickey for showing up and doing your job!!

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Thank you, my friend. It's always a pleasure to hear from you!

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