It’s Worship Wednesday again! To simplify this weekly concept: Your prayer requests and praise reports are 100% welcome!
Who and what are you praying for? How can we help?
Which prayers of yours have been answered? Please share some good news!
Please continue praying for everyone who commented and/or was mentioned in any of our Worship Wednesdays (WW). To access prior WWs, please check my archives.
What if every prayer you prayed in the last week was suddenly answered with a resounding, instantaneous yes? What would change? Would enough change?
My point: Are you praying enough and praying boldly enough to receive exceedingly, abundantly more than you imagined when a blanket “yes” arrives?
If not, right now is the perfect time to change that situation. Be bold!
We all have prayer requests, some of which involve very serious personal situations. But let’s never forget to petition the LORD in the name of others who need support.
P.S. Besides the prayer requests expressed here, please stay alert to those moments when someone you know suddenly pops into your mind. Use that as motivation to immediately pray for them. The Holy Spirit is talking to you.
FYI: Each week, I make a hand-written list of all your requests and bring them to the Eucharistic Chapel at the Catholic Church near me (photo below). I pray for all of you and then place the list in the chapel's prayer box where your requests are privately but directly prayed for as part of specific Masses.
Thank you, everyone, for dedicating time and energy to creating a better, more positive, and accepting world.
You are not alone. I look forward to praying for and with you and hope you’re also in each other’s prayers.
May the rest of your life be the best of your life…
Friends, I could use your support for my ongoing mission of 8-plus years to help homeless women and other vulnerable souls on the streets of NYC. Here’s how:
First option: To avoid any extra fees, digital tracking, or corporate involvement, I’d love for you to send cash or checks (payable to Michael Zezima) to:
Mickey Z.
PO Box 9028
Astoria, NY 11103
Also, you can:
Donate at GoFundMe
Donate at Ko-fi
Donate at Venmo: @Michael-Zezima-1
Make a monthly pledge at Patreon
Order items from my wishlist
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Share all the links
Thank you in advance!
Very grateful to you Mickey for this platform. 🙏
Prayers to cure our autistic 28 year old son Gabriel from Type 1 diabetes. He was diagnosed at age three.
Miracles do happen!
Thank you! 🙏
Prayers requested for global leaders they need all the help they can get and might not even realize it. Also Tony praying for comfort for the elderly as they are the keepers of knowledge.❤️⚡️