Good morning!

Prayer request for W as he has been looking for employment for over 18 months

Joining in prayer for Caitlin's healing

Prayers answered for B in finding fellowship after the passing of his wife

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Bless you, Tony, and Happy Wednesday! Thank you for your consistent participation here and for your compassionate heart. I'm so grateful to hear about B and I'm sending prayers to W... 🙏

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Thank you so much. Caitlyn's journey is still bumpy, but when I read these notes, it makes my spirit soar. I can't wait to share all of these wonderful comments with her today.

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Prayed for Caitlin and W please have an abundant and blessed Wednesday

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Thanks, Cori...for your prayers, your non-stop support, and your positive energy. 🙏

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Thank you Cori ... Caitlyn is very encouraged. Another victory to report ... She is a petite person, weighing 109 pounds just two years ago. When she got sick, she began taking prednisone in very high dosages. She gained 92 pounds. For months she has been shrinking as she tapers off the meds, but the numbers on the scale didn't change. 200, 201, 199.6, 200 .... And then on Monday morning she walked in, got on the scale, and clocked in at 192. A breakthrough ... she's on her way to herself again.

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I'll say a prayer for all on this list when I pray the Rosary this morning. Please if you will, offer up a prayer for this old hand. I'm struggling mightily of late. Prayers to Saint Jude. Prayers to Saint Michael the Archangel. Love to all.

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Bless you, Dean...I'm headed out right now for my first trip to the chapel as it opens. You are on my list. You are appreciated, loved, and being prayed for. 🙏

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Thanks man. Deep as this hole is that I find myself in, I can still hear the voice of God calling me out of it. Psalm 40.

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His favor lasts a lifetime. 🙏

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Father in heaven, you know Dean, you are with Dean, and you love Dean ... Please encourage him with a touch of your gentle hand and open his eyes to your loving presence. You are his best friend. Help him to take comfort from You. Sorry Dean, I am not Catholic, but have mad respect and call on all the saints to come along side. Love and peace, GLW

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In thanksgiving for terrific neighbours who step in and help out in tough times.

Prayers again please for my son, as he negotiaties his challenged young adulthood.

Prayers for me as I negotiate a few weeks of seasonal office work. The adjustment is usually very difficult, and I'm not usually given much lead time.

And please continue to pray for my wibbledy-wobbledy family

And I will hold up all of you, too

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Happy Wednesday, Jaye, and thank you as always! Sending gratitude to your neighbors and fortitude to you and yours. 🙏

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Jesus, please come alongside Jaye's son. Encourage him, awaken him to your presence and love, and guide him as he navigates what can be a hostile world.

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Prayers for all today that we find peace in our hearts and love in our lives.

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I truly appreciate your holistic, calming presence here, my friend, and I pray for you all the time. Thank you. 🙏

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Good Morning! Praying today for Caitlyn's healing and of course for everyone here. Thank you so much for the prayers last week!

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Thank you, Jennifer, and Happy Wednesday! Bless you, for being a steady and compassionate voice here and thanks for giving us a chance to pray for you, too! 🙏

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Thank you so much for your prayers for Caitlyn, Jennifer. I pray you will know His presence and the encouragement and comfort of the Spirit.

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We are so so blessed by your prayers! And I have wonderful news. My daughter Caitlyn, who has been very ill for about a year now, has also struggled with a nicotine addiction. She began vaping nicotine in the place of TLC. TLC had terrible impacts on her and there's a long story there, but not for today.

Her psychiatrist and therapist and mom have been begging her to stop vaping given her many health issues ... and she's really struggled to stop even though it has left her sleep deprived amongst other things.

And then on this past Friday, after I warned her that her psychiatrist had threatened to quit her if she didn't stop vaping, she came to me and said, "Mom, I think I'm going to just stop."

It has been six days. She is sleeping.

This may not sound like much, but given the other things she's dealing with right now, it is a rich and sweet relief for my girl and for me. I'm really so amazed by this: God is so faithful and kind.

Thank you my dear friend Mickey for your daily prayers. She is held up by your efforts in ways that are hard to put into words. You have held me up as well, and I am so grateful. I am grateful to all of you.

Please let me know how I might pray for you.

P.S. Mickey, we held a Day of Prayer from 6 pm on Friday February 7th through 3 pm on February 8th. I had the honor of leading the hour on Mercy. It was very cool to open to book to that chapter and see your face smiling off the page.

Much love,


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Much love to you nd Caitlyn. God's love shines through both of you... 🙏🏻

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I am super stoked to hear that you received some good insights about the tax-man issue!!!!

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God is good! 🙏🏻

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Prayers for Caitlyn and all the people mentioned in the comments. Thank you, Mickey for all you do. God bless you.

I am also again facing incredibly tough financial times. If it’s not one thing it’s another. Plus, I somehow, mysteriously, tore muscles on my left side somewhere in the obliques. It’s been horribly debilitating for the past week. Finally saw an orthopedic doctor today. He’s ordered an MRI and it’s scheduled for Friday. Please pray for me for some financial help and for a non-surgical solution for my muscles.

Thank you 🙏🏻♥️

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Thank you and bless you, EK, for your generous prayers. I am praying for you and confident that the LORD - Jehovah Rapha - has already sent His healing your way. Stay strong in your faith and thank him in advance. Please keep us in the loop... 🙏🏻♥️

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Thank you for the prayers and will do. God bless.

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