Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Please pray for the repose ofthe soul of my friend's husband, Bruce, and fot his remaining family. For my sister's anniversay today.

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Thank you for sharing, Jaye. My prayers are with them all and with you. 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.


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Love that you’re doing this, Mickey!

I will pray—I always do Happy to have specific requests to put in there.

I find that when I pray for my own requests they are often met with silence, but when I pray for someone else, or someone prays for me—then the mountains move.

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Bless you, Regina. 🙏 Is there something about which we can pray for you?

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How sweet! If you would pray for the healing of my family. I like how Mother Theresa does novenas: 9 Memorares and 1 more as a thank you in advance. I thank you in advance!

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Thank YOU, Regina, and consider it done! 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Prayers going up!!! 🙌

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Bless you, An! 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

And you Mickey!!

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

For my son, Max.

"C’est un generation perdu."

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Consider it done, my friend. 🙏 How precious does that grace appear...

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Holding Max in prayers 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Prayers for our good friend’s 23 yr old daughter who has cancer. Thank you everyone.

Already prayed for your requests! ❤️🙏🏻

Have a blessed day!

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19Author

Bless you, MDR. I'm about to walk to church so you caught me just in time to add your friend's daughter to my prayer list. ❤️🙏🏻

Psalm 103: "Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits — who forgives all our sins and heals all our diseases"

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you so much!! It means so much to me. 💕

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🙏🏻 💕

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

🙏 prayers of healing for your friend’s daughter🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you Claire. ❤️❤️

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Praying for all of you and your requests today <3

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Bless you, Jennifer, and thank you... 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Many blessings to you !❤️🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

I'm only discovering this today - but I am immediately motivated to participate. What an inspired idea! I will add these requests here to my prayers. And I'll ask: please pray for my sensitive and lonely 15 year old son Jack, that he finds his way to meaningful friendship and clarity and support for walking his challenging path. Though he is mostly recovered from the depths of the neurological injury he suffered in his doctor's office in 2019, the hurt to his heart of being shunned by 5th grade teachers and peers and the subsequent social anxiety remain.

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My friend, thank you for joining in. May Jesus breathe his infinite mercy upon Jack and rebuke any entities seeking to keep your son from fully blossoming. May Jack bloom and grow and experience the fullness of his destiny.

Please keep in mind that Saint John (the apostle and author of one of the Gospels) is the patron saint of love, loyalty, and friendships. He is always available to intercede on Jack's behalf. Sending love and blessings to you and your son... 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Your words touch my heart. Thank you. And what a timely reminder of the blessings associated with my son's given name of John..! How often I miss the nose on my face...

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It's my honor to pray for you and yours. And I had a feeling Jack might be a variation of John. I say that as a Michael who most people call Mick or Mickey. In fact, I'm wearing an Archangel Michael t-shirt right now! 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Sending love,support and prayer for your dear son Jack. 🙏❤️

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Jun 20Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Mickey/all Im adding the intentions on this thread to my prayers.

I ask for :

healing in a friendships/neighbors. Thank you for the St John information!

prayers for safety and protection as we travel more in the summer months.

world peace-may the Holy Spirit touch the hearts of those seeking to perform evil

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Bless you, Tony, for sharing such blessed, universal intentions. I join you in those prayers, my friend. 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

My prayers were answered when our 20 something year old son was able to let go of his woke ideology enough to reconnect with us after the covid scam wore down. He came home from college in 2020, to finish up online. He took the fake pcr test, & got 2 jabs against our advice. This whole thing really divided our close knit family of 3. We were in turmoil living under the same roof during this period, & not talking to one another much. It was tense & very uncomfortable. We lovingly told our son he’d need to move out & into his own place. We helped him where we could. Mostly my husband did. Since being on his own, in his own apartment, paying his own bills, taking care of himself, his meals, his chores, etc., he has renewed respect for us. He has more confidence in himself. He has more tolerance for other’s choices to not follow the narratives being pushed. He has grown & is seeing through the many lies we’ve all been told. We’ve reconnected on the self defense subject. He sees the importance of our 2nd Amendment rights & we’ve come back together as a lil’ team in self defense training. We enjoy going to the gun range for target practice together. We enjoy family discussions on different firearms, and ammo, etc. Crazy as it may sound, this has brought us closer together & we are much more affectionate & loving towards each other than ever before. We all see how fleeting life can be, & have a renewed appreciation & reverence for our lil’ family of 3 once again. My heart is full of love & gratitude for our son, his ability to grow beyond the mainstream propaganda narratives, & embrace our family connection & what it means to be a family. To really have good family who cares about him, is always there for him, & gives him unconditional love & support. With this kind of strength, much of the media bs has fallen away. We don’t even listen to mainstream media anymore. This has been a positive thing for us! Recovering from the mass covid psyop has been difficult, but eye opening as well. For all of us. We’ve learned a lot, we’ve grown as individuals and as a family, & we know we have to protect our family from intrusions by the government and the media at all times. We pray for healing of other families too. Like ours did. Love conquers evil! Amen. 💜🙏🏽💜

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Denise! Bless you for sharing this wonderful praise report and congratulations on your family's reconnection. I pray for all three of you and I thank you for being a role model for everyone seeking to recover for the intentional damage imposed on us since 2020. You're an inspiration! 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you. Prayers for healing for all families.

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.


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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Please look into xylitol for dental health. Dentists have know about it since the 1950s but don’t teach it because you can’t make money off it. Take a xylitol mint after every meal. It kills the bacteria causing plaque

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Thank you, Janis! 🙏 I recently learned about xylitol and now the "experts" are linking it to cardiovascular risks. But I will look into the one mint after every meal approach. Thank you again.

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

I’ve also used xylitol for dental health, just a couple small mints a day. Oil pulling with coconut oil has been greatly beneficial!

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Thank you, Claire! ❤️🙏 I am definitely going to try xylitol. I've recently been doing oil pulling, but with sesame oil. I'll have to look into coconut oil though.

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

My understanding is that sesame and coconut oils have similar results in reduction of plaque/ bacterial growth and that each one seem to target different types of bacteria. The xylitol mints are convenient to use during the day (I also read the "experts" report about high consumption of xylitol and cardiovascular risks. Moderation is the key!) Prayers that you find what works best for your health!

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Thank you again, Claire. I will find time tonight to look more deeply into sesame vs. coconut oil and yes, I will introduce xylitol in moderation ASAP. Much appreciated!

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Please pray fr my 4 remaining children. Sunday is the one year anniversary of their brothers death. Thank you,Mickey for providing this forum.

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I will be praying for you and your children, my friend. May no weapon formed against any of you prosper. 🙏

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

I am so thankful for Worship Wednesday! I've been waiting all week for it!! Praying for all intentions mentioned here, and those in our hearts as well. I particularly love the Angelus and the Divine Praises, so that is my Worship Wednesday offering.

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Jamie! Your comment has me smiling ear to ear...thank you! 🙏 Side note: I remember that when I was a young student in Catholic school, we called the Divine Praises, the "Blessed Be's"!

Bless you!

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Prayers for you and yours! We all need prayers 🙏🏻 I am sitting for a State license exam this coming Monday and could use a little prayer for passing on the first try🏆 Thanks so much and thanks for doing this, Mickey!

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Thank YOU, EK...and prayers are on their way. May you not only pass but may you be filled with cool confidence about your ability to pass the exam! 🙏

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Jun 20Liked by Mickey Z.

Thanks 🤗♥️

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According to physicist James Mccanney, we live in an electrical universe. As such we should pray out-of-doors sans head covers for the best reception. A roof overhead, as in Sunday Services, would likely dilute the reception. 🤔🌞☄️🌜🎉

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Interesting. Meanwhile, some might argue that cathedrals are specifically built to get the "best reception": https://alicengrey.substack.com/p/we-used-to-build-cathedrals-what

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Jun 19Liked by Mickey Z.

Activator X: Your Secret to Stronger Teeth & Vibrant Energy

Price-Pottenger, June 19, 2024 interesting and timely article

Hope you find it helpful!

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Thank you, Kathleen. I'll try to track down that article ASAP. 🙏

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