The pigeons would do a better a job in elected office than the hysterical cretin...

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They have my vote!

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Mine as well!

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Enjoyed the pizza party more. 😉

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Have dough proving in fridge as I speak Mickey.

Will be Chicago style, not New York or pizza Napolitana tonight.

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Sounds like delicious fun...enjoy!

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Thanks for balancing the post by winding it down with the pigeon image!

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they poop all over the place just like politicians. how was the saying again ? diapers and politicians need to be changed often for the obvious reason (forgot who said it)

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CHeck out this interesting study. https://www.psypost.org/2023/05/antagonistic-narcissism-and-psychopathic-tendencies-predict-left-wing-antihierarchical-aggression-study-finds-163497. Antagonistic narcissism and psychopathic tendencies predict left-wing antihierarchical aggression, study finds. The wokesters are satisfying their ego-driven thrill-seeking with their activism.

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And I thought having to sit through sermons or bar mitzvahs was taxing.

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