The self-checkout comic echoes what I tell people at stores when they try to get me to use those.
Aside from saving wages for the stores who've gotten rid of most of their cashiers by now (boo, hiss,) there's only three things I find the self check to be good for.
1) sometimes I'm in enough of a hurry that the speed difference for those lines works in my favor enough to ignore the lack of employee discount for doing the stores' labor myself.
2) I actually know how to bag groceries so the bags don't explode or smash my soft perishables.
3) sometimes stores have sale items that are "limit 1 per customer per visit." When I want those items, I get my "employee discount" by running several sequential transactions at the self checkout stand to avoid the one item limit for the sale. That may be a wee bit unethical, but not as much as the store only running one to three real checkout lines (the ones with a paid employee running register.)
Hi Mickey. Unrelated to this specific theme, but connected to your overall concerns: Perhaps you could get Nadon on your podcast. He's a smart guy.
Thanks, Wolly. There's a paywall on that article but, when I can, I'll look him up!
Try this:
That's also paywalled but no worries. I can find him elsewhere. Thanks!
Funny, Unherd gives you a few free articles per month. Sorry.
It's all good. I truly appreciate the suggestion!
It's listed here too:
Many paywalls can be bypassed using
I do not support paywalls so I advertise the site.
Awesome, thank you!
Exactly. I never sign up for anything any more. There’s always a catch...sharing personal data, losing more control, etc. it’s never worth it.
I concur and I admire your restraint and commitment.
The self-checkout comic echoes what I tell people at stores when they try to get me to use those.
Aside from saving wages for the stores who've gotten rid of most of their cashiers by now (boo, hiss,) there's only three things I find the self check to be good for.
1) sometimes I'm in enough of a hurry that the speed difference for those lines works in my favor enough to ignore the lack of employee discount for doing the stores' labor myself.
2) I actually know how to bag groceries so the bags don't explode or smash my soft perishables.
3) sometimes stores have sale items that are "limit 1 per customer per visit." When I want those items, I get my "employee discount" by running several sequential transactions at the self checkout stand to avoid the one item limit for the sale. That may be a wee bit unethical, but not as much as the store only running one to three real checkout lines (the ones with a paid employee running register.)