I’ve very recently written about faith, innocence, and Jesus as our role model. Please feel free to click those links to catch up because, in this post, I’m sorta combining all three concepts.
While watching The Chosen, I was most taken with the moments when Jesus healed people and performed other miracles. In some of those scenes, Jonathan Roumie (as Jesus) looks skyward before the healing happens.
Since we know faith can move mountains and Jesus showed us how to live as righteous humans, here’s my question: Is it possible that Jesus — in his human form — was not literally performing those miracles?
After all, he was the human with the most faith in history. So, could it be that he was teaching us that anyone can facilitate miracles if we walk in unshakable faith?
Jesus, in human form, could have been leading by example by praying for people to be healed or risen from the dead — with 100 percent faith.
Lesson: When we pray with mustard seed faith, God will provide supernatural answers.
After all, in John 12:27, Jesus prayed like this: “Now is my soul troubled; and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour: but for this cause came I unto this hour.”
That prayer was not answered.
Lesson: When we pray in a moment of weakness, we are not in a position of child-like faith.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it” (Mark 10:14–15)
Most children live in a miracle mindset. Nothing is impossible. Society does its best to drive this innocence out of us — yet another reason to reject what passes for “normal” within our twisted culture.
In John 4:48, Jesus said, “Unless you people see miraculous signs and wonders, you will never believe.”
Children, on the other hand, believe without seeing.
This leaves me to wonder again, rather than performing the miracles himself, was Jesus showing us how to live with enough child-like faith to become the conduit of signs and wonders through prayer?
Could any of us — with enough belief — find the place inside that empowers us to become an avenue of miraculous healing?
I believe so.
I believe so too 🥰
Mickey, I believe we can perform miracles through faith, just as the disciples did, but we need to also believe Jesus is God as well as human. Jesus had to perform supernatural acts because he was part of the supreme being; in that respect, it was not his faith, but himself who healed and the disciples healed in Jesus' name. We also need to remember God's answer can be, "No.", no matter how much faith we have. If we forget this, we forget who is driving the bus.