Jul 11Liked by Mickey Z.

It is interesting to see this phenomenon , which also matches the virtue signaling versus anti covid rules followers. It is telling, it is as if when in 1948 Orwell wrote 1984 he was simply describing via a mirror the status quo of the West, ongoing since, and well before, via the process of capitalism, aka imperialism.

Similarly, it is also interesting to note how MSM or alternative news hyped stories, are almost never based on data. An interesting trend rarely covered by MSM or alternative news is how many are escaping NATOstans, G7s or 5 eyes countries..... we do not have much data on that, I often wonder if MSM / alternative news covered topic are as always misdirections, if anything.

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Thank you for this reply and analysis, Deb! I really feel you on this: "I often wonder if MSM / alternative news covered topics are as always misdirections, if anything."

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Jul 11Liked by Mickey Z.

You're so right to ask when homeless people have ever received any useful, sustainable support from either side of the political spectrum.

I believe that not helping the homeless is a means of controlling the population. Witnessing all our lives that people can end up on the streets and not be helped sustainably instills a subconscious fear in everyone.

We are more likely to conform and perform within the hamster wheel to avoid ending up that way. Many may judge homeless people, but I believe that subconsciously we know that something is not right and therefore it instills a permanent feeling of not really being safe in the world.

I know that there are people helping, listening and doing great and compassionate work, like yourself, but maybe we really need to demand that the system be changed dramatically to help these traumatized people heal, be reintegrated into society and be allowed to contribute their gifts, intelligence, compassion and wisdom.

Thank you for your work, compassionate listening and prayers.

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Jul 11·edited Jul 11Author

🎯 🎯 🎯 🎯

Thank you, Jutta, for a mic drop comment!

And for your kind words. 🙏

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this reminds me of the political party that is completely shunned in Belgium. Their slogan - own people first. They have, like Lepen in France, been blocked from government for 30 years now. Because they want to take care of the own people first, before helping the slews of strangers pouring in. Like you state, the govt cares most about anyone else before looking at their own people. And in Europe it is not for the votes, because illegals can not vote there. But just like here in the US they get free housing, free food, free health care, and complain about everything. Eugyppius just posted about the govt in Germany, blaming the social work for not teaching the illegals the German rules, instead of sending criminals back to their countries, after many people were attacked, harassed, spit on, in German trains, by illegal Pakistani, Syrians etc. This is quite different from the gentle, caring people living in the street who get no help and are scolded by everyone.

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Jul 11Liked by Mickey Z.

I can only speak with my limited experience to the north.

Institutional help is just talk. Someone I love did manage to get into "low-barrier" housing, which is only slightly better than a sidewalk. She still requires aid for food. Banking, etc. is a nightmare due to mobility and communication problems. And this all took over a year, even with poor health being involved.

But the gov keeps waving their magic wand to allow more and more immigrants in, when there simply is not the infrastructure to house them. Some are choosing to return to their home countries when they see the prospects here.

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Where I live, many declare that they're not NIMBYs, and express the greatest concern for the plight of the homeless, but refer to them as "a**holes", and try to remove a most excellent (non-gov) street assistance program.

One "wise" woman, while complaing about the gathering place, then complained that because it was faith-based, there would be people who wouldn't use it!

They don't know what...or how...to think

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Thank you, Jaye.

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Jul 11Liked by Mickey Z.

I love F's comment to you...wow, so beautiful!!

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Thank you so much for focusing on that, Emmy! 🙏

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Bless you, Mickey, always. NYC is so lucky to have you! If only we could clone you 1000 times. More!

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You're too kind, Janet. 🙏 How much I pray that thousands of others will start programs of their own whenever they live. 🙏

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Jul 11Liked by Mickey Z.


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