Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.

Yes it CAN be like this, if we can step out in love and confidence.

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Amen! 🙏

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Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.


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I am one of those people that will start a conversation with a person in the grocery store, walking my dog or wherever I am. I’ve had some of the most incredible connections with complete strangers and some of those connections have now turned into relationships. Over the years I’ve gotten more intentional about just putting my energy out there and seeing what happens. My experiences reaching out have been quite amazing.

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Aug 3·edited Aug 3Author

Bless you, Mary, for leading by example! 🙏

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Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.

My husband is so good at this. When he was in London some years back, he got himself into some very interesting experiences, just by engaging people who "looked interesting"

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Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.


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I was with someone the other day - an 87-year old woman I encountered while doing some volunteer work. She & I were taking a cab ride to an appointment. She tipped the driver incredibly generously (like, $7!). I thought maybe she had made a mistake - but then she did it again on the cab ride back, also. She surely made the day of those 2 Toronto cabbies! Then, I was taking public transit back to my place, & I saw a couple of men on the bus just quietly get up & move back so a woman who'd gotten on the bus with a stroller could sit down near the door. I am so often blown away by the large residues of generosity & decency of my fellow humans. I feel sure the nasty folks in charge of running things have absolutely no idea how fundamentally decent most of us are. And how satisfying it is to just be kind & decent - even to "strangers." How good it makes us feel!

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Amen, Janet, and thank you for sharing! 🙏 The world is a mirror in many ways. We're surrounded by generosity and decency but if we're looking for strife, that's what we'll see. Thank you for being a role model of positive energy.

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Well. Life is complicated. And ... I never regret the volunteer work, for sure. One invariably gets more out of it than one puts in!

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Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.


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Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.

I love this. Be the glitch in the matrix, as they say (in meme world). Or perhaps more apt, be the GLOWtch in the matrix! Light up life wherever ya go. You just might be the answer to someone's prayer.

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Thank you and amen, Malika! 🙏 We can have much more community when we resist the urge to assign blame to everyone except ourselves!

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Aug 3Liked by Mickey Z.


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Aug 3·edited Aug 4Liked by Mickey Z.

Nice! (Nice is underrated.)

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🙂 🙏

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