Aug 20Liked by Mickey Z.


Thanks for the inspiration. How much nonsense do we allow ourselves to engage with?

What is our focus?

Just thinking of heaven or paradise is a good way to examine how we are spending our time here.

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Thank YOU, T, for this response. I truly appreciate how open and contemplative you are!

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Did Adam and Eve actually LOVE each other before the fall? What was their relationship - friendship, partnership, what? Did they have any feelings toward each other? In today’s world, if a couple is lucky, they really love each other, sacrifice themselves for each other, consider each other’s feelings, at least before the “bloom” wears off. Being “good” all the time (if they were before satan ruined it all) could be considered ideal, but when a couple goes out of their way to protect their loved one from evil, isn’t that better?

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Author

It's quite clear in the Book of Genesis that Adam and Eve were husband and wife and in God's literal words, they were "very good."

As for the rest of your comment, I don't see it as addressing the point of the post. You mention the need to protect someone from evil but that need only exists because we humans refuse to embrace our God-given potential.

I'm talking about the way every single one of us allows pride and fear to sabotage our chances to connect with others far more deeply and divinely than we do now.

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Aug 20Liked by Mickey Z.

Howdy Mickey: Regarding the limited engagement, you are one of the first people I read, most every day. I couldn't today cos I had to get to the hospital early, for a scheduled hip replacement. Both are done now, so it's just recovery mode. Woohoo!

But I'm home and settled now, so you were still my first substack read for the day. Thanks for reminding me to pray - as often as possible. It's been an immense help.

Take care, friend. :)

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Much, much appreciated, my friend. This genuinely means a lot to me! 🙏

And, to be clear, you had a hip replacement this morning and you're out already? Either way, I will be praying for you and will ask others to pray for you here tomorrow on Worship Wednesday! 🙏

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Aug 21Liked by Mickey Z.

Yup! Home the same day is actually the goal. The first one, I was home even earlier. I will be joining y'all for Worship Wednesday as well. Thank again Mickey - take care. :)

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Here's to a smooth and rapid recovery! 🙏

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Aug 21Liked by Mickey Z.

To have a pure conversation with someone you love that isn’t encumbered by everything that the days or years have shellacked over would be bliss. If you had only had good times, without doubts, betrayals, disappointments, or hard times love would be very easy to sustain. They had full access to God…I can only imagine the conversations with Him.

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Yes and amen, my friend! 🙏 Thank you so much for contemplating this with me. 🙂

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This is so resonant with a post I've been mentally incubating for a few months now, about what entertainment would look like in Utopia. I love Utopia, not just for its literal existence, but for its function as something to remind us of, and motivate us towards, our higher spiritual potential. Thank you for this contemplation, bestie ^_^

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Thank YOU, bestie...and I look forward to reading your post whenever it arrives! 🙏 💕

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Good morning, Mickey✨

In this moment the sun is beginning to rise and shadows fade. What a gift to be asked to step into the pre-fall world! Even remembering my milliseconds of peace/love during adoration of the Blessed Sacrament brings joyful tears now.

When I was around 18 months old I ate an entire bottle of St Joseph’s aspirin (no irony!) and died. I have an indelible memory of the black velvet darkness, darker than a cave at night; in that moment, I knew peace and indescribable love. Afterward, for years, I remember pressing my palms on my eyes and covering my head seeking that place beyond words. I wonder if that is something like the pre-fall existence of our first parents? In the Father’s perfect will, contemplating with a companion an unfolding mystery of creation?

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Bless you, Lesley...and wow, what an amazing testimony! I'm wide open to believing that yes indeed, you got a glimpse at the garden. Thank you for sharing and for your kind donation! 🙏

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I think Adam and Eve were in a pre- verbal state of consciousness. Paradise was a magical state of being in which the spirit essences of creation revealed themselves in light, tone, color, and varying degrees of warmth. The plants and trees were light forms, the animals characterized various states of being- large, small, light, heavy, shy, assertive etc...

Think of how a pre verbal and pre cognitive child engages in its environment with complete wonder, feeling into the qualities of its environment expressing its sing-song in response to what it encounters.

Language was more like song and dream responses rather than cognitive.

The voice of God and voice of the serpent were felt as qualities and rhythms - like sounds of thunder or murmurings of water.

Adam and Eve did not even feel their own separate identities until after they listened to the serpent- only then they knew they were naked- they knew themselves for the first time as something distinct and outside of their previous reality- like stepping out of the ocean onto the dry ground.

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