Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Wonderful idea! Please pray for deep healing for my family. Please pray for our leadership.

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Thank you, Jaye...and I promise that you and your family are regularly in my prayers. I hope now that others here will join me! 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Sending blessings and prayers to you and yours, Jaye 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Please pray for me recovering from a stroke on March 8th. Right now I need patience with the healing process and therapy. At times it’s overwhelming. Thank you.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

I assure you, my friend, that ever since you mentioned this in a recent post, I have been praying for you every day. 🙏

"For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal, declares the Lord." (Jeremiah 30:17)

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you Mickey, I admire the discipline you have to remember me and make those prayers a daily priority. What you are doing is significant and it’s exactly what Jesus would do(does do).

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You are most welcome, Jonm, and WAY too kind! Be well, my friend...

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Prayers for your healing ❤️‍🩹 and recovery 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Please pray for me, my relationship with my son who is without a job (by his own choice) and has a girlfriend and 3 children. Mickey I don’t know why I randomly see your writings, but every time I do, they have such wonderful messages. I will support you.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Sending prayers for you and your family. May your son's steps be ordered and prosperity and favor fill all of your lives. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Sending prayers to you and your family, Sophia. 🙏❤️

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Mickey, Thank you for this great idea.

Prayers across the board. Please pray for me to offer help and hope to others.

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Thank YOU, Tony, for a beautiful, selfless prayer. I will pray for you always.. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Beautiful! Heartfelt prayers to you, Tony 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

A prayer for “shedding “ to stop. And please say a prayer for my friend Jimmy. He’s waiting for the assisted living home to open, stuck in the nursing home until then. He’s 87. Regrets the jab and issues since. He still plays his harmonica. The new place will let him have his steel guitar in his room.

And I will say a gratitude prayer for you Mickey & your good works I’ve witnessed a while now.

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Thank you, Rosalind. Praying for Jimmy to have a room of his own in which he can share the music that's in his heart! 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

We’re near ft Myers & all the permits are behind since the hurricane 2 years ago!

lol the county hired more people but they’re still in training, typical guberment

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Fortunately, Jimmy can pray for the kind of help that transcends bureaucracy. Please keep us up to date. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

I will, thanks so much!

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Blessings to your friend Jimmy and prayers that he may soon attain a better living arrangement ❤️ 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Thank you greatly.

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Well I appreciate that. Thanks for your kind words, but i dont want to be misleading. 😀The reality is I dont want to be complaining about my inconveniences and fairness and being focused on ME. Thank YOU for starting the day in the right way

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I appreciate that, Tony, but urge you to feel free should you ever need to make a prayer request. 🙏

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This is such a wonderful idea! I will pray for all of you and your requests. Please keep my family and I in your prayers, particularly for my oldest daughter. She is involved with a very manipulative person and is making some very poor life choices. She is too stubborn to see any of this unfortunately and all I can do is pray that she wakes up and comes to her senses.

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Jennifer, may your daughter be guided by wisdom and discernment to make self-loving choices for everyone's benefit. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

🙏 prayers that your daughter may find her way on her life journey

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Please pray for Marshall, he lost his wife, Cheryl my dear friend because of a quick cancer. She is with our lord but he and I are struggling with her loss.

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Blessed are those like you and Marshall who mourn for you shall be comforted. May you both find a support system of friends and family members and lean on their love. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

My dear friend ❤️.. know that I do hold you in my prayers, always. May Marshall find peace as he navigates this journey. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

I am so very happy and comforted by this opportunity to pray and be part of this.

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I am happy and comforted that you've chosen to participate. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Joining you all in prayer for the needs mentioned and those in our hearts! I am so happy to be part of this and hope it leads to blessings!

Please add my brother J and my daughter Eireann to the list-J needs to learn meekness and Eireann needs to feel the Father's deep love for her in whatever way He sees fits her best.

Mickey, I just love you!!

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Bless you, Jamie, for your prayers and your incredibly kind words. May J and Eireann very soon break strongholds and elevate into profound breakthroughs. Thank you for giving us the chance to pray for them. 🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Yes! This is a wonderful opportunity for us all that Mickey has put forth! Sending prayers to your family for guidance in their lives ❤️🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

I surely feel the love from all here! I especially want to thank you, Mickey, for the opportunity you’ve given everyone to communicate with one another. Very often, we feel alone or perhaps that no one else understands or cares what we may be going through during our lives. The sense of connection is so powerful. knowing that others care and are willing to pray for one another is truly awesome! 🙏❤️🙏

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Thank YOU, Claire, for being such a positive presence here and for taking the time to comfort everyone else. You are a role model of care and kindness. 🙏❤️🙏

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Your kindness and compassion is contagious! I keep forgetting to mention I started reading Richard Bach's book "Illusions" (found a used copy online) which you wrote about a few weeks ago. Taking my time as I read it to contemplate the wisdom within.

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I so look forward to hearing what you think!

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

Love this Mickey! What a wonderful idea! I so believe in the power of prayer! I definitely agree that we need to pray for our leaders and our country. Thanks for being a light that shines bright! 🙏🏻❤️

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Jun 12·edited Jun 12Author

Amen and thank you, MDR! 🙏🏻 ❤️

As for your very kind words, I'll share this:

"You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16)

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Jun 12Liked by Mickey Z.

God bless you, Mickey❤️

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Right back at ya, my friend! 🙏🏻 ❤️

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i loooove this direction you're taking and i love the feedback you're getting!!

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Thank you, bestie!!!! 🙏 ❤️ 🙏

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Jun 13Liked by Mickey Z.

Love the concept! Thank you! Never too much of Jesus who really does transform lives. Nothing fancy required.

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Thank you and amen! 🙏

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Jun 13Liked by Mickey Z.

Every Sunday the world is invited to gather for mediation ; 7 pm UK time, 2 pm EDT, 11 am PST. FOR 10 MINUTES

With loving hearts we visual join hands, encircling the world many times over

shining our bright loving light "for the betterment of all" upon earth.

Try it, It's a wonderful "glow" sensation, an event for all

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Thank you so much for this, Kathleen! 🙏

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