Thank U for Being the Wonderfull Writer of Truth & Creator of Fantastic Memes that U Are , Dear Micky z . I am already gratefully joining U in being as humble as can be & wonder If U `d like to take a look at my Blog & join us on the One Platform where the Truth still is told & every member can comment in Freedom ? Then go to Unitednetwork.Earth & subscribe (only 89 usd per year ) if U Love Your One True Soul Self as Much as I do . U can find much info on UNN & GIA & Rundown Updates at this , my Blog, kept free to all , since 2013 , https://andalightoflovespiritual.blogspot.com/. So much LOVE & Light in Peace of Heart & Mind to U & All who read this & Blessings for a Great Weekend !

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Early on in my voyage of personal discovery, on which I found myself a couple of years back, I read a book called 'The Four Agreements'.

The book claims to be Toltec Wisdom. There was some spiritual writing in it which I didn't find particularily helpful, but the agreements themselves have been quite helpful.

Assume nothing, Take nothing personally. Be impeccable in language, Always do your best. (These are from memory, so I may not be impeccable in my sharing here!)

Trying not to get inside peoples' heads, has saved me a fair bit of stress and energy!

Personally, I am spending less time on the computer. Trying to regain some pre-lockdown footing. Even my increased writing time is mainly done offline first, and then posted.

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I say this about you often, Jaye, and I will repeat it now: Thank you for leading by example. 🙏 I will look into that book today!

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It's tiny, but packs a wallop. I have a friend who rereads it regularly

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I'm in! I just found some YouTube videos and podcasts in which the book is discussed, too!

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I may look those up myself!

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I just listened to this excellent podcast about the book at the gym:


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Don Miguel Ruiz. There are several of his little books. Probably most of us spend too much time on social media. Lately I limit my time to reading email, doing volunteer work, and for the rest the computer is on YouTube for music, cooking, gardening, nature and history/travel documentaries- usually less than 2 hours before bed time. Stop computing at 8.

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P.S. Did your cousin have the baby? 🙏

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That book changed my life.

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Still praying for you, EK.

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And I, you!🙏🏻

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I’m in.

We spend way too much time looking out and not looking in.

Humility was shown to us by Our Creator when The Word became flesh. Born in a manger, lived nomadically, didn't have an estate, ran a company, and was murdered for telling the truth. He could have had whatever He wanted.

Thank you for the reminder to look inward and ask the tough questions. Am I following the Gospel? Can I humble myself to recognize my faults and apologize to Him and those He created?

Sounds simple, but it isnt. Minute by minute, day by day with the help of His grace.

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Amen and thank YOU, my friend! I am so grateful to have crossed paths with you. 🙏

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Same here Mickey!

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I only care what a few very specific people think of me, with the exception of when I'm forced to deal with armed enforcers or their higher ups with the power to fine or incarcerate me.

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"I only care what a few very specific people think of me"

If this is true, you are incredibly rare.

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it's a skill developed over decades of practice beginning in 3rd grade of public school.

societally, you can either conform or you can ignore the demands to do so. they're easier to ignore if you don't give a rat's politician about what most people think.

the few folks whose opinions I give any weight to either have power over me without my consent, like the aforementioned cops and judges, my employers, or they're people important enough to me that I actually care about their opinions.

everyone else can suck it if they don't like something about me as their opinions have no influence on my existence or happiness.

to be honest, excluding those in power, unless I want someone to like or respect me back I can't think of any reason to care about anyone else's view of me.

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I think that naturally no one wants to be thought badly of by anybody and this has a lot to do with why people do present themselves online in less than honest terms. I have often reflected on the title of Richard Feynman's book, 'What Do YOU Care What Other People Think?' Frankly, I think what other people think about me is none of my business. Our inner thoughts are our most intimate possessions and in a free society are truly untouchable. That's why propaganda is so rife. It's an attempt to mold what is untouchable to the wishes of the establishment. Once someone voices an opinion of me then I have the option of being flattered, offended, provoked or perhaps turning the other cheek. For those who can't help caring what other people think about them the best advice I ever got was from a fortune cookie: The Nearest Way To Glory Is To Strive To Be What You Wish To Be Thought To Be.

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I hear you, George, and thank you. I've tried to see outsiders' views as none of my business, but I keep coming back to a desire to remain open to possibly getting feedback that can make me a better person. This, in turn, causes me to circle back to what I wrote in today's post: Only God is qualified to decide if I am a good person.

Thank you, again!

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removal of external validation is one of the big tests of the astral plane,

freeing ones self from the sense of self importance without losing the sense of personal value is another.

these are 2 of the seven demons that must be banished to clear the astral waters for the light to pass through.

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Well, I’m not sure what to say except that maybe the voice you hear is of the accuser in chief. Those who serve The Almighty are under attack and it’s heating up. Be strong and courageous for He is with you. And you know there is much love to you from me and my family.

The Almighty is always working things out.


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You're so kind, GLW. Thank you! Sending my love and blessings to you and yours... 🙏

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