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Nov 25, 2022
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I understand why you feel like this way but i will not speak this into existence: Sharing yields negative results.

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Nov 25, 2022
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To be radically honest, your comments (to my ear) often fall into the "we're fucked, everything is hopeless" category. So, I wouldn't have expected you to be sharing content with normies anyway.

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Why share it? I really can't.... people are suffering in their cognitive dissonance. So if they want to think reality is a bunch of shadows... who am I to break the spell?

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I am grateful for countless human who have helped me break spells in my life.

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True. I'm just tapped out on bearing news this bad... maybe it's just my weakness speaking...

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From where I'm sitting, it's your humanity that's speaking. Pace yourself and follow your heart. As you know, it's not about being a martyr.

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Good doc, but all the god talk is cringey

We have plenty of empirical proof on our side without getting all christiany. It turns me off.

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Agree and have tried to deal with this for almost three years. I've talked with and marched with the more "religious" freedom fighters since the beginning of this hoax/nightmare. And will continue to do so, because it's a common heartfelt cause. But showing this film to the normies in my universe would more likely have a negative than positive effect, for much the same reasons you and Dosamuno have already stated.

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There are many other options for sharing then.

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I agree.

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As I said in my post: I’m not declaring that 'Died Suddenly' is necessarily the best place to start. I’m simply and desperately trying to reach anyone who is still capable of changing their mind.

The vast majority of humans seem to believe in a God so some content creators may choose to meet them where they are at.

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I didn’t say it wasn’t good to share. It would have been near perfect for me without the god talk. The bromides I would share it with would be turned off by that as well. It’s NOT a criticism of you or you sharing it. I’m glad you did and I just watched it. I give it an 80% on Rotten Tomatoes. 🤣

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Mickey - Here's some criticism of the film from >within< the jab-critical circle: https://jackanapes.substack.com/p/died-suddenly-is-typical-trash-from

an excerpt:

"There is some great information in this movie. Information that could — potentially — open people’s eyes and minds. In particular, the interviews with the embalmers and morticians are incredible. The long, white fibrous material they have been finding in dead people's arteries and veins after the vaccine rollout is truly horrifying. It isn't new, but it's presented all in one place in a highly compelling way, especially the scene where you see it being removed from a dead body during an embalming session. The movie would have been far more effective if it had just focused on that (and dug deeper to show what they’re made of, etc.). But unfortunately it tainted that and other good information (such as presented by Dr. Ryan Cole, Steve Kirsch and Dr. James Thorp) by covering it with a lot of garbage. Here are five examples of the garbage that stuck out and that I remember. There may be more:"

(and one of those examples:)

"There is undoubtedly a worldwide government agenda to reduce the population. This is stated openly by people in power. But what is stated publicly is an effort to reduce the population over time by reducing population growth. And the stated means of achieving this is to lower the birth rate by reducing child mortality, improving the standard of living, and creating greater access to contraception and abortion. Nobody is stating openly that they are going to reduce the population by killing people and making them infertile."

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I saw that, too (after I posted) but it didn't compel me to change my message.

I have to say I'm taken aback by the responses to my post. So, I'll just sum up like this: Find a video, movie, article, whatever you deem to be the best choice, and share it.

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I still think it's a worthwhile film - and worthwhile to recommend. I think it's also healthy to play devil's advocate whenever we find >any< source that we feel makes a good case. Ideally, discussions with other people could accomplish the same thing and kind of help us check our biases, but we're in a place where people are so ideologically silo'd that we need to re-pave the way to getting back to that point. Then again, comment sections like this one are a good place where people stress-test each other's claims, and that's good.

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I concur but again, I'm taken aback by how the focus got derailed. Either the movie was judged harshly or the mere suggestion of talking to a normie was dismissed. If we wait around for the perfect piece of content or we choose to view normies as contemptible, we are guaranteeing failure.

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Yeah, I see what you're saying - I connect most with your point when I flip it on its side a little: it's important to try and gauge when someone >might< be open to persuasion. All too often, people in any resistance movement fall prey to taking >satisfaction< in the idea that the "sheep" out there "just don't get it." That can be a seductive intoxicant of its own. So yes, I understand why you're encouraging people to go out on a limb and broach the subject.

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Thank you.

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