I wish! I am one big contradicted health problem. Once so fit ... now increasingly frail in body. But growing stronger in spirit.

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I understand. If you scroll my archives, you'll find more fitness tips, e.g. https://mickeyz.substack.com/p/3-simple-ways-to-improve-your-balance

I will pray for your healing.

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Thank you so much! Mostly for your kindness to offer prayers for healing. May God show up in the quiet moments today.

And thank you for the resources link

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You're most welcome.

God is breathing his favor on you.

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You’re killing me! You have no idea, but God does. Bless you ... and now I begin my search for tissues. Bless you brother.

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🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏

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Thanks Mickey Zed.

"Up Against the Wall" of a different stripe.


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I was friends with the guy who wrote the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2pGBv9Ly6A

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Mickey: Do you think the guys hootin' and hollerin' during this here Jerry Jeff Walker live rendition, or JJW himself, actually understood the lyrics he's singing?


Things that make me go "hmmm".


Lol. Just listened to your link. And I believe you were. There. 😁


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It seems like the joke might be on them!

And I'll write more about David Peel soon!

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I never heard of the guy.

Before about an hour ago.

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Love this & the variation suggestions! Esp the dumbbells! Thank you, Coach! (Wall) Sit Happens!💥✨😄

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