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This is so on target, Mickey! LGB drop the T - ABSOLUTELY! And yes, it's gay conversion therapy dressed in girly-girl pink and baby blue. (a nod to pedophiles, while they're at it.)

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Thank you, Anne! And you nailed it with your parenthetical.

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We should stop turning men into eunuchs. It is not humane and results in serious long term health and social outcast problems.

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Indeed, there's nothing sane or humane about the trans agenda.

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Thank you compassionate critical thinker.

when I was a child I was a tomboy. Gratefully no one told me I was likely a male in the wrong body. I was just a girl who would rather throw a football than play with dolls. I grew out of it, like most kids do. It's so obvious this trans thing has a much larger agenda

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And thank YOU!

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Brilliant, Mickey - That's an accurate way to view the trans agenda - gay conversion agenda that makes millions for Big Pharma in the process, and exploits children and unravels society to boot.

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Thank you, Will, and eyes to every point you make.

If the LGB crowd refuses to be associated with the trans invaders, it will be a major steo forward.

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Most of us combine personality traits from both genders...there are times when we feel more masculine/feminine depending on our stage of development, circumstances and time of day, even...it's the yin and yang of humans....the energies of male/female..... when did we forget this....

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Well-said, Stella. You state what should be viewed as the fundamentals.

As for when we collectively forgot these fundamentals, I noticed the shift happening about 11-12 years ago and then accelerate by 2015 when Bruce Jenner started pretending to be a woman.

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Yes, I think you are right..... ❤

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Quite Dogmatic and Quixotic they be....

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“There is no such thing as trans!” 🙌👏💥🎯

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Well stated. Thank you

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Mickey, I've said this from day 1 - it's so obvious. And yet, I don't think the OBJECTIVE of the Marxists (I'm using that term to cover all the nefarious evil doers behind this grand Orwellian scheme) is to "closet" homosexuals - I think that their tools of depopulation through surgery/meds/psychological trauma just happens to dovetail nicely with people's innate desire to "fit in", and what better way for a gay kid to feel like they fit in, than to be a pretend heterosexual. Sadly, it wasn't enough that by and large and in truth, our society doesn't care about someone's sexuality - but the masters were brilliant: much like the fake and completely manufactured "white privilege" theory that runs through every aspect of our culture now, so did they manufacture the "rabid homophobia" that they claim runs through our society. And having manufactured those 2 canards, (which of course is by design as dividing people is a core requirement for them to accomplish their centralized control), they were able to provide the "solution" to those people who THEY made feel marginalized. And the "solution" is depopulation (with respect to the "trans" issue) and violence and the breakdown of the rule of law (with respect to the BLM movement).

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Perfectly stated AnnR! It SHOULD be so obvious except that an enormous swath of the population is walking around with their “eyes wide shut”!

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True. Men can not change there sex to female. They can however become Eunuchs. Cutting off a mans genitals used to be considered a horrendous criminal atrocity. Something that was done to slaves in the barbaric past. WE TURN men into Eunuch’s NOW in the present time, every~single~day 🌈

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But meanwhile, young girls are now being heavily targeted to start imagining they are secretly boys.

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The agenda for promoting F2M surgery’s is hatred of women. THE sexually aggressive male hates both straight men and women, particularly “breeders”.

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Indeed, the woke agenda is transparently misogynist. It's heartbreaking to think of young girls having to deal with young boy who are weened on violent porn.

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