The fitness world has more than its share of buzzwords and marketing. For a while now, it's been all about the “core” but as is often the case, only the hype is new.
Athletes, coaches, and fitness professionals have long appreciated the value of core training. It's basic physiology that we need to target the muscles that stabilize the spine, pelvis, and shoulder girdle.
So, I've got another hot word for you: Plank.
First yoga and then Pilates claimed this position but now, you'll find planks being done in every gym… and for good reason. This simple pose serves as an introduction of sorts to core training.
Proper Form:
Begin by lying face down on a mat with your elbows resting on the mat slightly wider than your chest. Raise up into the “up” position of a push-up. Depending on your conditioning and strength, you can rest your upper body weight on your elbows (a little easier) or on your hands. Lower body weight is balanced on your toes (novices might wish to modify by doing a plank on their knees).
Follow These Cues:
Your back is straight, your abs are braced, and your spine is long. Visualize the top of your head being pulled in one direction and your heels being pulled in the opposite direction. Be sure nothing is clenched, in particular: face, neck, jaw, shoulders, arms, and hands. Hips remain stable. Once in this position, focus on your breath: long, slow inhales and exhales of equal length.
How long you hold the plank is based entirely on your personal fitness level, but a beginner usually starts with 15-30 seconds. If you can maintain proper plank posture without your lower back sagging or your body starting to shake, you can probably add a little more time.
Once you've reached 60 seconds, you may wish to consider doing a series of planks rather than trying to hold it longer and longer. There comes a point of diminishing returns and you never want to sacrifice form.
Click here to watch a few more useful plank reminders.
Note: The exercise advice presented above is not meant for anyone with contraindicated health problems. Please consult a trusted medical or fitness professional.
Plank you, Coach! Love this basic -but not so easy- exercise!
Hey Mickey, love your old-school fitness tips. Thank you!