That was quite the story!

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Thanks for reading it, Jaye! 😇

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When you got to go , you got to go. LOL!

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Love this story! The sordid details really make it come alive. 👍👍😄😄.

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So you've always been a creative thinker! But seriously, it is astonishing that our system is filled with such thankless, unforgiving jobs that many must depend upon in order to eke out an existence. Once again, thanks for sharing another great story that has a profound message.

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Thank you, Claire, for reading it and for digging into the underlying messages. We're all teeming with so many inherent gifts that can get lost amidst the stressful pursuit of income. If I remember your backstory correctly, you're a prime example of how we can opt out of the snake pit and follow our hearts.

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You are correct! Yes, the soul sucking corporate world was definitely not for me. Although following my dream brought much less financial “success”, the satisfaction of giving others a cheerful respite in their day brought me so much more than money and managerial ladder climbing ever could. My observation is when we honestly question motives of those in so called positions of authority, we will find the answers within ourselves…and perhaps change our patterns of belief as to what is truly important while we walk this world.

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Look at you, casually being a role model and inspiration for all of us! 🙏💕🙏

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If time ever gets over onto my side, I’ll have to write a bit about the ways I managed to pay my bills as a youngster. Until then, thanks for memories, Mickey

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Thank YOU, brother...and I'd love to read your stories! ✊

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Great story and great details! ♥️

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Thank you, EK! ♥️

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