The World Economic Forum (WEF) is very interested in monitoring our thoughts. “Imagine a world of total transparency, where every thought you think is visible to everyone else,” they eagerly state.
At Davos this year, Duke University Professor Nita Farahany followed up on her previous WEF lectures on this topic. Here’s a very short snippet of her talking about The Science™ a few years ago:
P.S. I wrote this somewhat related post back in May 2022 — before the bulk of my subscribers showed up. Therefore, I think it merits a re-share now:
The desire to control has no end apparently. How much more obvious can they get? Phuck em. Say no and live your life.
Control freaks are eternally in pursuit of a perfect, unquestionable truth. They believe in the existence of One Neat Trick that will fix everything. In other words, they're fundamentalists. They mouth Enlightenment pieties without understanding any of them. For them, science is reduced to a rhetorical bludgeon and a marketing phrase; not a process requiring humility.