Almost 50 years ago, a film called Network was released. Ask someone about it now and — if they’ve actually heard of Network — they will dutifully recite the famous quote from this 4-minute clip:
The people screaming from their windows in the mid-1970s were a prototype of Facebook, X, Substack, etc. They’re subjects in a social experiment that has brought us to our current world of exhibitionist virtue signaling.
There’s another scene in Network that doesn’t get talked about much. They don’t make t-shirts, GIFs, or memes about it but this scene is yet another instance of The Parasite Class™ openly speaking their truth.
As with a vampire who cannot enter your home without first being invited, the so-called elites [sic] behave as if they’re required to warn us before they wreak their diabolical havoc.
If we had heeded their warning in 1976, I would not have to write the posts I write today.
Please take five minutes to see what I mean:
If Mr. Beale had seen the face of God, he certainly didn’t need to evoke the word Hell to claim his inherent power.
The same goes for us.
We need to stop chasing the tempting dopamine hits provided by flame wars, division, echo chambers, and doom scrolling.
We must finally reject manufactured conflicts and manufactured consent.
We don’t need Hollywood, intelligence agencies, big banks, Madison Avenue, “news” shows, or social media to shape our opinions.
We already know what we feel.
When will we stop seeking validation from sinister agents and instead start acting like the fearfully and wonderfully made sovereign souls we are?
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"Be not conformed to the patterns of this world...."
I'm fascinated by the idea that the world isn't made of nations, but of businesses. And that these "elites" don't see people, but dollar signs. Reminds me of an interview of Jeff Bazos where he explained how he perceives people in terms of their "killowattage" 😬