Oct 20, 2022Liked by Mickey Z.

"other than quarantining infected ships, the newly formed health department did little to prevent the sickness from spreading."

I wish the twenty-first-century equivalent had done exactly the same with the far less lethal Convid-19.

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Is this the real message here: a new strain of a lethal yellow fever created in a lab to be released? that’s a tough one to believe because it would eventually kill the perpetrators as well like a nuclear bomb. Help me understand the reason for this post.

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There are all sorts of data points coming in on mRNA *vaccines*, most point to ill effects, if at all. I'm stayin' clean, so to speak.(no *vaccine*) I did get sick with something in July that has sapped my strength, and I've yet to get back to where I was. I've not been tested, if the tests do what they're supposed to, because I don't have a smartphone to input data. I rarely ever go out as well! I definitely would NOT *vaccinate* children if I had one/them, I don't..

I did buy some cool, hippy, tie-died masks, back in late '20, too bad they're just for show after all. Peace

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I totally agree with the thread below regarding doomsday prophecy. Before I knew what I know now, I had three vaccinations and have had no ill-effects fortunately. It's important to keep your system moving to get rid of the damnable vaccines, so I would recommend Vitamin C to others as well as exploring iodine supplementation (iodine kills everything but healthy gut bacteria; NOTE: This is ingestible iodine! not the little bottles with skulls and crossbones on them!).

After taking part in a group that was supposed to be about civilizational collapse and was actually just another flavor of millennialism, I have no respect for people sitting in armchairs predicting the end of the world. It may well end, the human world that is, but you don't sit around waiting for it!

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