Jul 1Liked by Mickey Z.

The parasite class! I will steal that! :))

It used to be: noblesse oblige...

Have a good one!!

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Thank you, An...you, too! 🙂 🙏

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Jul 1Liked by Mickey Z.

🙏🙂 thanks!

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This post goes hard

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Jul 1Liked by Mickey Z.


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"In some way the government didn't exist for us at all. We simply lived our own lives, not paying any attention to it....For us it was completely obvious that the Soviet authority would someday live itself out and collapse with a magnificent crash."

Archimandrite Tikhon (Everyday Saints)

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Jul 1Liked by Mickey Z.

I think it's all a distraction and a discouragement mechanism. They want to use this, voter fraud, and fear to point out that our "experiment" needs a new way. That's the reason for the distraction

They offered no solutions and argued about golf scores. Two morally bankrupt people telling us how bad the other is. The Powers that Shouldn't Be ™️are giving us the actors we need to stay divided.

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Bang on as usual. Thank you!

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Jul 1Liked by Mickey Z.

A timely essay and it so clearly articulates what I often ruminate over when I bother to glance through topics in the "news" coverage (rehashed daily ad nauseam). Bottom line, how can we create a change in our own and others lives that will in turn develop into meaningful, positive, powerful impact? May we all work together in this quest.

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I have mixed feelings about this post. I agree there's lots of ego-driven nonsense & virtue-signalling going on. But I also read some people I consider very much more politically astute than I am (e.g. CJ Hopkins, Celia Farber, James Kunstler, Mark Crispin Miller, Chris Bray are a few examples) - & find their commentary helpful & illuminating. I think most thinking people now know the "President" doesn't run the show & elections are more than a bit of a scam. And, the times are dizzyingly chaotic. I agree we all need to do the stuff we can still do (am working on a few posts on this topic, actually) & skip the doom scrolling & virtue-signalling. But I still enjoy becoming better informed about how the crazy U.S. political system operates.

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Thank you for your honest reply, Janet. 🙂 🙏

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Thanks for your article. 🤗

I never “virtue signal” or anything that smacks of woke-retardation. I’m a dyed in the wool, patriotic, flag waving, Libertarian Lite, citizen who loves God and all that He freely gives us. All that used to be an okay way to be and people different than you respected your right to be different and vice versa. We all used to get along for the most part because this country was built by diversity. Wokeism has broken this nation and only through peaceful means and patient understanding will we be able to turn it around. God willing!🙏🏻

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Thanks, EK, but I feel the need to clarify: Virtue signaling is not limited to any one group of us. It's rampant all across the ideological spectrum.

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Jul 2Liked by Mickey Z.

Thanks for the clarification 😊

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