I hear you but "wages" are yet another diabolical human construct. We can all be living an infinitely better life if we stop coloring within the lines.
Wages are the carrot hanging from the stick. Taxes are the money taken from wages to keep the treadmill running smoothly.
Years and years ago, we belonged to a LETS: Local Area Trading System. It was an organized barter system that used points rather than direct exchange. Very interesting idea.
Of course the feds saw it as a form of tax evasion
That "wealth" is stolen wages. Sowell is the poster child for knuckle draggers who need a black intellectual's affirmation.
I hear you but "wages" are yet another diabolical human construct. We can all be living an infinitely better life if we stop coloring within the lines.
Wages are the carrot hanging from the stick. Taxes are the money taken from wages to keep the treadmill running smoothly.
Years and years ago, we belonged to a LETS: Local Area Trading System. It was an organized barter system that used points rather than direct exchange. Very interesting idea.
Of course the feds saw it as a form of tax evasion
Thank you, Jaye. I pray more and more of us can see past what is earthly and what is not.