I was unaware of raccoons in the city so I've learned something new. Regarding the landfill picture, it's sad that someone threw out the artwork. While the abstract itself is not my cup of tea if the canvas was relatively undamaged I'd gladly take it to paint something else rather than see it go to waste...

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Thank you, Amy! Yes, I imagine many folks would be astonished to know how common raccoons are in the Big Apple. More rare, but no less epic, are possums!

And I hear you about the canvas but I assume many New Yorkers would be hesitant to rescue it from the garbage for fear of other forms of urban wildlife, e.g. roaches and bed bugs!

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Bed bugs on a painting? I never thought of that!

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Lots of nooks and crannies and you never know where eggs are laid.

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P.S. I just emailed you, Amy.

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Thank you for mentioning the email. I replied and bringing this to my attention is worthy of a substack post in and of itself...

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Thank YOU, Amy! I promise to reply to your email shortly. Much, MUCH appreciated! 🙏 💕 🙏

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yes! Early mornings I used to see a big possum browsing garbage near a school (this was in Staten Island tho...not yer usual NYC landscape). I loved seeing him with his ghost dog face.

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I know the movie "Ghost Dog" but I don't think I get this reference!

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American (o)possums, because of their white faces, were called "ghost dogs", but I can't remember by whom, or where I heard that. It stuck in my mind though. especially early summer mornings when the sun is just coming up and you suddenly see this little face...ghostly.

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Whoa...what an apt nickname!

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Hello Dear Mickey, I am so grateful for these beautiful photographs this Monday morning. Thank you. Say, how would someone get in contact with you to see if you might be interested to do an interview for a podcast?

Thank you for the work you are doing in this world, and in your heart. 💗

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Hi Jen and Happy Monday! Thank you for such a kind comment. 🙏 And thank you for inquiring about a podcast invitation. Please feel free to send me a private message here on Substack. 💗

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So much going on and to think about in each of these photos…and thanks for the link to the information regarding the whispering gallery in Grand Central. I agree the best thing about the *smart* phone is the camera! Thank you for sharing these captured moments 🙏

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Thank YOU, my friend, for always taking time to view my stuff and offer a meaningful comment. I appreciate it! 🙏

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I like the flag reflection and the whisper gallery.

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Thank you, Becky, for having a look and sharing your thoughts! 🙏

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these are wonderful--again, makin me homesick.

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Thank you, as always, Lorie! 🙏

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You know, I hadn’t thought of it that way. Funny cat memes and videos would not be nearly as popular without cell phones. I’ll ask the cat…

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