
To answer the questions :

I read almost all of your posts. Let us know if you are NOT going to post daily because I would be worried not to see your daily blog!

I read almost everything, except for the all biblical. I also skip parts about begging for money.

If Substack lets me, I post quite often. But sometimes, worst with Jeff Childers were I can hardly post at all, and sometimes yours, Eugyppius and a couple others, I have to re-sign in. Sometimes I do, but mostly I just skip and let go

There is no need IMO to respond to anything. Conversations on other blogs sometimes run WAY off and the blogger him or herself, does not need to react to that. Jeff would have a fit, having to respond to hundreds of answers, some completely off track LOL

I do not like audio so I usually skip all audio blogs. Unfortunately some people love it, so I have to unsubscribe from a few who don't like writing!

I subscribe to everyone's blog, that catches my interest. You are the only one where I subscribed to the higher amount. This year several will have to be cancelled because I now have 15+ paying subscriptions. This eats away from my limited budget. The first and foremost are my beasts and myself LOL. If there is no food for us, there is no money for my reads! I also ordered a gazillion books lately... just in case the internet were to drop off.

I hope this answers your questions :)

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May 30·edited May 30Author

Thank you, Ingrid, for all your support! 🙏

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May 30·edited May 30Author

P.S. I'm not "begging for money." I don't want any newcomers to get the wrong idea about me so, for the uninitiated, I raise money to fund a mission of nearly 8 years helping homeless women and other vulnerable souls of the streets of NYC.

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sorry, did not mean to offend. Being quite offended myself - someone just pulled the carpet from underneath me a few days ago.

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I'm not offended. As I said, I don't want newcomers to get the wrong impression.

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

I look forward to reading your blog daily and reading all of it.

I like the tie-in of the biblical content and focus on beauty. I also line the inspiration of people helping each other in this imperfect world.

Posting and interaction are marvelous, but I agree that this can burden the author. Don't respond to off-topic.

Im a paid subscriber because of the quality, frequency, and the variety of topics you post about.

Its early and the dog is barking-hopefully i didnt miss anything

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May 30·edited May 30Author

Thank you, Tony! 🙏 Much appreciated!

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

I concur with Tony’s points. I enjoy the diversity of topics you cover and the compassion that is a prevailing theme throughout your stories and essays. I do miss the occasional workout feature, but that’s ok! Thanks for always taking the time to interact with the community here. Oh, and I often share your posts to friends via email. 😊❤️🙏

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Thank YOU, Claire! 😊 ❤️ 🙏 For your kind words, support, and for sharing some posts! As for workouts, I'd be happy to make that a semi-regular feature again. Is there something in particular you're looking for? 💪

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

Yes! While I incorporate Pilates mat routine for mobility throughout the week, coupled with mountain biking and farm chores, I’m interested in focus on core workouts. (I added the plank exercises you featured awhile ago..fun! )Thanks much 😊

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While I will confess total ignorance in the realm of farm chores, I can definitely offer some input on core work! 😊

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I typically like your posts. I can’t remember if I didn’t like any. So, I guess I like all of them. I can’t afford to pay for anyone.

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Thank you, Steve! 🙏

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

I love your posts and subscribe. I read your posts daily, or at least skim through. To save time, I basically agree with Tony's comments. I love Jesus, so love the biblical tie-ins. I really love when you ask us to examine our thoughts, opinions, being "right" etc, and how we are being manipulated...like the recent ones on the art psy-op and this is not about coffee. I love the Sunday memes!! I forward them often and many of your daily posts as well...wishing I knew more people who would be receptive(!). I have commented a few times and love that you respond!! You are doing wonderful work and service. Thank you!!

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Thank you so much, Emmy! 🙏 Your kind words made me weepy... 🙏

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Hi Mickey! To answer your questions, I do read almost all of your posts, but usually from my email inbox due to being on the go most of the time. I look forward to reading what you write!

I enjoy all of the topics you write about, especially those where you make us THINK and encourage us to get out there and make a difference right where we are. I also love those posts where you show us that the world isn't always such a dark place, as the Powers That Shouldn't Be would like us to think! The posts featuring cats and your walks around New York City are fascinating as I have never been there.. yet! I also love your Sunday meme posts!

Personally, I wouldn't even bother with off topic comments. Who has time for that anyway?

I do at times share your posts on my Twitter hoping that your words might inspire others.

I'd love to be a paid subscriber, and plan to once money is not so tight again.

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Wow, Jennifer, a response like this makes me glad I posted this survey. Thank you! 🙏

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Hi Mickey--Thanks for asking--love your work. I like the mix you provide--high/low, culture/pop culture, biblical verses/memes.

I always get something from your posts. As of now--I feel inundated with sub stacks that I follow. But I stick to reading a select few as time allows.

Yours are concise, and best of all, they reflect your warmth and respect for fellow travelers.

Post-woke feels human--which wouldn't make sense to any other generation but ours : 0

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Thank YOU, Regina! I'm very touched by your heartfelt replies! 🙏

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

I forgot to mention that I read and forward your posts by email as I still use a flip-phone (proudly!!).....

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💕 🙃 💕

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.


whatever interests you


fine. it’s your stack

don’t have much social media

pix by mickey z


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Thank you, as always, MB for your support! 🙏 😊

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May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

I read your post daily, don’t always comment unless I feel I have something to add to the conversation or to simply let you know I support you. I would not comment on off-post comments as they’re probably from trolls and it’s best to keep the post and comments in the lane you chose; your post, you manage as you feel best serves the purpose. I share your posts when I’m inspired to as I believe you have something important to say. With this in mind, I’m subscribed to hundreds of SSs and have to limit my reading time or I’d never get away from my phone! It’s not easy but I must force myself to move and engage with life!

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Thank you so much, Cyn...for all of the above! 🙏

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May 30·edited May 30Liked by Mickey Z.

I read most of your posts, Mickey. Sometimes I get in an ignoring-email-Substack-everything mood for a day or 2, & miss one or a few. Mostly I do read them. I like that most of them are short. That many are very inspiring!! Given my own need for inspiration/positivity in these difficult times. No big thoughts on comment posting - I comment reasonably often, I guess (on some stacks the comments veer way off topic - never of interest to me, for sure). I am not a fan of organized religion in any form, so I just kind of skim over the religious-y bits. I'm a subscriber - am a low income senior so only subscribe to 3 S-stacks, though I read quite a few others. As for daily or not? Gosh - just do what makes sense for you! p.s. Okay. Just realized I have more comments about comments. I like it when writers allow all to comment - it's important for S-stackers to know that some of us really don't have a lot of spare cash & can't support everyone we'd like to. Oh. And sharing. I'm a dinosaur who is on F-book still (yeah, I know) & share your stuff decently often. Friends loved that item y-day about how doing good things boosts our oxytocin. We so need to get feeling inspired!!

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Thank you so much, Janet, for your thoughtful support and commentary! 🙏

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I read as often as I can. Short, medium, long are always good and helpful out very encouraging. I try to comment when I can, but I’m not very good at interacting with others. Hoping to improve in that area after logger things clear.

I rarely restack because I don’t have much of a following, but will start doing it anyway.

The main reason I follow you is because you exude kindness and courage.

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Thank you, as always, my friend! 🙏

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Please excuse the typos!

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May 31Liked by Mickey Z.

Hey Mickey, I am probably not a very good example of your readership. Life just never seems to stop coming at me right now, so I don’t consistently make time to read ANYBODY’s posts at the present time. I find your content totally relatable, but bc I am rarely on social media, I don’t share much of anything. Your mission to serve the homeless women of NYC is near to my heart, and is the single thing I donate to on a monthly basis. You should also know that currently I only myself paid subscriptions to two authors on Substack: you and Jon Rappoport so you are in good company, my friend. I love the memes you put together on Sundays, and I find your faith relevant to your content. Even if I am not here all the time, I support your work and applaud you for doing it. Keep up the good fight, brother!

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V-dawg! I am genuinely and deeply humbled by this response. Please know how much I appreciate your support and so very kind words. It means the world to me... 🙏

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