Merry Christmas Mickey! 🎄

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Right back at ya, GB! 🎅

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Well Good For You, Z. !

No one & certainly not me, could ever imagine you, disliking a swaddling babe.

Out of The Park ! Sultan !

That little babe, now THAT Was/Is A Gift !

Satan's Claws, ehhh....



All the way to candy land.

Love Ya !

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Much appreciated, Paul! I was concerned that this satire could be taken the wrong way but I clearly see you "get" it. And I don't think I ever heard "Satan's Claws"! Thanks, my friend.

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An KNOW THIS Dear Friend,

With a quick scan, across the Field, of Your BeLoved Readers & Listeners, I too, can Clearly See, that You Are A Kind, Generous, & Definitely Loving Man.

Never doubt your Intentions !

They Are What Count.


"I want to smash the literal word."

~ Jon Rappoport {Writer}




Will Circumnavigate

The Planet

For A Million Years...

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c/o Greta..."How dare you?!?" Clearly Santa was a pagan with his "Ho ho ho." Fat, loved to party. Have you seen the prices of trees lately?

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I must say, I walked past trees being sold on the street yesterday and overhead the guy selling 'em quote the price of $140 for a small-ish pine.

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Well, you know Jesus was called a glutton and a drunkard because he ate and drank with the marginalized.

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Seriously. And who goes around touching lepers? Ewww

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Che Guevara.

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My passion? Deciphering the original meanings of words (names) of godheads found in religions old and new, also symbols and ancient mythology. Hope people will come along for the ride and rediscover religion with new eyes. This video is just a starter video.


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When the eggnog has “kick!” 🫣🥊🎄🕊

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Great satire. A Christmas hater who advocates remembering those less fortunate. Merry Christmas 🎀

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Merry Christmas to you, my friend! 🎅

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