Some very valid questions to ask about "Drag Queens" & their "Story Hours"/Plus: More "activist" hypocrisy about Syria
Mick's Mix
“If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.” (Matthew 18:6)
In other virtue signaling news:
Some context from last year:
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I read some writing somewhere that referred to "trans" men as being in "womanface".
I though it an appropriate parallel.
I am sure cross-dressing has been quietly goiing on forever, but there's not much good coming out of the activism
Absolutely right about the drag queens. These are mentally ill people. The real gay and lesbian people do not do this. I have known and still know several, and they behave like everyone else, 'normal' people. Their situation has gotten worse with these drag people doing all kind of weird stuff. Just read about a 'trans' who attacked and raped girls in their dressing room.
Lesbian and gay people don't do that.
Unfortunately the situation in the Middle East is getting worse by the day. I pray they might finally settle, but there has been war there for what ? 2000 years? Somehow I imagine that these people don't remember what peace is like. May they find rest in their hearts and settle.