Not sure if this is a good idea or not. If people can put aside their party politics, he will win. But he runs democrat. MOst dems are woke, and so is part of the reps. I wonder if he could do more, if he stayed out of the political arena. I am afraid 1. that his voice will be silenced when he is president, after all we have seen, the power of a president is very limited, and 2. that if he does not dance according to the puppet masters, that he will end up like the 2 former Kennedys. I am afraid for him. We need him alive!

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I hear you, Ingrid, but my guess is that he sees this as much more than a candidacy. I'll be watching closely and praying for his safety.

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so will I and all those who like him, and those that believe he can make a change! Whichever happens, he gets the WH or not, he will have set a marker that will change the course of things to come

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Well said. These are important considerations.

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Since the Democrats do not permit any party member these days to set one little toe over the line of what is deemed acceptable -- pro-war, pro-nazi, pro-trans -- they will find a way to keep Kennedy's voice from being heard.

If anyone ever pops up as an actual LEADER, I fear for their safety.

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I think there's a limited, but valid, argument in favour of offering critical support to his campaign. He's a rarity, a genuine lesser evil. But one step at a time on this. There are parts of his message worth amplifying and the campaign is an opportunity for this.

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My initial thoughts are very similar to yours: There are parts of his message worth amplifying and the campaign is an opportunity for this.

As I said to Ingrid, I'll keep watching and listening closely.

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In researching the Trusted News Initiative lawsuit of which Kennedy is a partner, we see that the Associated Press and Reuters function as narrative-shapers and permission-givers. Whomever controls them gets out front to tell the lower outlets what they are allowed to say and how they should frame their messages. They all follow along because they are paid to follow along. The AP article you sourced is illustrative. Kennedy could help us expose the fraud.

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I concur. Upon first glance, I see this as a chance for censored ideas to reach more people and for agendas to be dragged out into the light. We shall see.

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This could get gnarly. Their decades long smear campaign against him is deeply engrained already. So he'll be running against Trump? I was glued to him talkin on Mike Tysons Hotboxin show a few years ago. He's so interesting.

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Yes, I listen to his podcast regularly and have been in touch with his team for a while - trying to get him as a guest on my podcast!

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Omigod, yes! There's a local Democratic committee in my town and you can imagine how they are all in lockstep. I had just read The Real Anthony Fauci,, mentioned it to one of these people, and got back, "WE" -- yes, we, not I -- "used to respect him, but not now." It's amazing how robot-like people can let themselves become.

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I'd love to see him destroy the denial of reality by the pro vac Idiocracy at the debates.

There's no way they can prove him wrong about the issues with vaccines besides hurling bullshit names at him.

The American people may not know the details, but their lack of embrace of the boosters and distrust in pharma is becoming clearer. Even Bernie Sanders , sheep dog he is, addressed the corruption of big pharma in the past primaries and the other candidates had to pretend that they were concerned about it, lol.

Shifting Overton window

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My fear is if they will just shout him down calling him a murderer. You know how they operate.

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Indeed, he will face slings and arrows in more ways than one.

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I very much like Kennedy he’s a fearless fighter of truth, but I will never never NEVER stop supporting President Donald J Trump

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The Democrat party is over

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For the record, I see both parties as complicit players in a bigger game. I would say both parties are "over" but that assumes there was a time when they were legit.

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I like Simone Weil's concept...have for years.... from 1943 but so pertinent to today..... "The Metaphysical Case for Abolishing Political Parties .... Do political parties corrupt the souls of their members?" https://newrepublic.com/article/119305/simone-weils-abolition-political-parties-nyrb-edition


Here is the radical essay...... https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/simone-weil-on-the-abolition-of-all-political-parties

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Thanks, Stella! I'll try to check out those links later today. 🙂

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Didn’t he get the memo? The cia don’t take too kindly to Kennedys ‘round these parts.

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For the record, I'm not a believer in the Kennedy mythology but I do hear you. This is a risky move on his part.

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"For the record, I'm not a believer in the Kennedy mythology..."

What myths?

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That if they lived, they would've brought down the power structure.

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Ahhh... that myth. 😉

Appreciate the clarification. ❤

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I've never heard that they would have brought down the power structure, but JFK spent time with the French guy -- ambassador to Vietnam? -- who warned him not to get mired in the mess of colonialism. Apparently, he was taking that advice seriously and the imperialists were not going to tolerate that.

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You are right; the debates would be epic!! Even if a candidate isn't (s)elected president what is said during the debates can have a great impact on the hearts and minds of millions of people.

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The debates are no longer run by the League of Women Voters because they permitted those without the stamp of Dem/Repub approval to appear. Don't the TV stations now run the debates? And we all know what to expect from them!

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I understand that the "debates" are controlled but sometimes nuggets of truth are spoken. I'm also in the camp of RFK, Jr is controlled opposition but we can't throw out the baby with the bathwater. He has actually done a lot to wake people up. He has done so much good in exposing medical tyranny and the dangers of vaccines. However, he is perpetuating the official "pandemic" narrative that there is a "virus" to fear. He is also a proponent of wanting "safe vaccines" instead of taking a firm stand against the unscientific, delusional, barbaric practice. There is NO such thing as a safe vaccine. He also helped perpetuate the false notion that the CDC, the president, governor or corporations can single handedly issue medical "mandates". He's a big time lawyer for God's sake. He could have easily used his platform to educate people about the constitution but he didn't. So, I agree with you, but the debates still might be the initial gateway for some people to find the truth. I used to trust everything that came out of RFK's mouth until I delved deeper.

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I have been reading his children's health defense newsletters for a number of years now, listening to his interviews and have heard him speak in public a couple times. From what I can see he is speaking truth and getting the science out there. Read his book The Truth about fauci. It is so well-cited He keeps a website open to continue to add updated sources. He is one of the most censored people in the media. That's got to say something about his message and where he's coming from. He has a free book you can download on how to wake up your liberal friends.

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"He has a free book you can download on how to wake up your liberal friends."

I have no liberal friends any more.

Even my conservative relatives are utterly brainless bobble heads.

I now politely decline invitations to commune with anyone whose company I do not thoroughly enjoy, or who deliberately attacks this old mamma bear.

Unless I'm required to, by subpoena or because my funeral attendance is mandatory, everyone can just kiss my wrinkled ass. I'm out.

I'm so done with even the semblance of niceties or "diplomacy".

Download a free ebook to try to "turn" these idiots around, after 40 plus years of attempting to stand my ground, trying to educate fools, and failing miserably?

Just one more excercise in futility.

The old adage about trying to argue with idiots applies.

"I want to be alone" now.

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I can so relate! I love your comment about bobbleheads! Made my day. For those with the tenacity or foolishness to do so the book is out there for free! Thanks for the great laugh. I hope you have a wonderful day. You made mine.

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Cheers to you Elise. ❤

And happy🐰 weekend, from Canada. (Whether you do the chocolate egg bunny delivery thing, or the Christian celebration. I do neither any longer. 😉)

FYI: Heard a radio (bobble head) DJ yesterday, whilst driving to a paying job for the first time in 3 months, say:

"Did you know there are only 2 Christian holidays left. Christmas and Easter?"

Found myself wondering, ok thanks for that fascinating factoid sir... but which holidays have been specifically "cancelled", because they were "Christian"?

He didn't hear my radio wave directed thoughts so he neglected to elaborate.😉

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Catching the vibe you are sending. Enjoy the weekend! I hope to be in nature but away from bunnies and so-called Christian holidays. I am a believer in the spiritual life though One source and the true message of Jesus the Christ which is Love.

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I love this comment! I have no interest in "waking people up" unless they express interest in, let's say, something like The Real Anthony Fauci. And you're more likely to run into such people working at the car wash or hair salon than wherever it is that liberals gather.

What is it about aging that makes one done with niceties? I'm perfectly polite but treat me like I'm stupid and you'll find out how fast I can change into a fierce old mama bear!

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This ⬇️

"I'm perfectly polite but treat me like I'm stupid and you'll find out how fast I can change into a fierce old mama bear!"

Cheers to YOU Susan. 🥂

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One more comment. While I love Trump in so many ways and what he did for America He opened the door to the vaccines and mandates. RFK Jr has been trying to close it ever since with true science.

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Well he is apparently a brave human.

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A Trump/Kennedy ticket would make some heads explode.

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I would be astonished if RFK made a move like this.

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I agree - PARTICULARLY because I assume his convictions could not let him support the man who brought these killer shots to fruition and allowed them to be forced upon the people. And I say that as a Trump supporter. Just not a 2024 Trump supporter!

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Regardless of what happens, I am grateful that RFK Jr. entered the race. Of course, you know the mainstream media would attack. Predictable vs being open and curious about why he wants to step up.

Like you, I am dreaming of the debates, where we will have to have conversation around the vaccines and everything else over the past couple years. They won't be able to hide and this is the conversation that the public deserved at the start and certainly as time progressed. We never got it and now we have someone who will force it.

Now if only the general public can be open or willing enough to "try it on" and listen with curiousity and open mind, heart and ears. People need to sit with the question...what if, just what if, we were not told the truth?

What if.....

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Mickey, I really apprec. the photo. Though I am slow, I have

gradually gleaned that you are a photographer of a

certain kind. It's amazing the personality that shows through

in photos, of the photographer, when the machine itself is

rather limited in ways. I guess the electronic manipulations

add another layer. Was the original film or digital? Just

making conversation, it matters not to me in value.

I was born in Detroit in 1964, and everone was sad. That is

the overwhelming feeling of my childhood, the sadness

was occasionally breached, and it lost steam, but it

took me years to understand the broader reasons,

assassinations and riots to my Canadian parents were

quite devestatiing to their faith in this new USA they

had just entered. I am left with the feeling of trying to

cheer them all up. Occasionally I was a bit successful

and I guess thats all you can ask. His canidacy means

alot to me, as you can now see. I think he is quite aware

of the risks and embraces them. Levity cannot exist

where there is fear. Best

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Thank you SO much, Jacquelyn. Your kind words and your sharing mean a lot to me. For the record, in my eyes, you are not “slow.” You appear to me to be thoughtful, kind, smart, but struggling at times in the face so much tyranny. But you said it all with this: Levity cannot exist

where there is fear. 

The photo is digital and photography is a creative passion of mine. I discovered writing very young and turned it into a career. This has been mostly a blessing but there can be downsides when you earn money from a passion. So, when I started taking photos, I pledged to mostly be a true amateur (from the Latin root: doing something for the love of it). One of my 12 books is a photo book but that is the exception.

Thank you for cheering me up.

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You started it, man!

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PS: Bobby Kennedy jr's presidential primary run may have the same effect that BANNING Vaxxed from the Tribeca Film Festival had on the film... 😉

PSS: Great photographic chops Mickey Zed.

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