The "good old days" beliefs seem to have a protective function. It's highly stressful to be aware of something horrific and, at the same time, be unable to do much or anything at all about it. One way to cope is to shunt it off to the side; find a way to obscure or ignore it. The cognitive dissonance arising from that further reinforces the urgency of obscuring it. I've noticed college educated people are adept at doing that very thing, especially the PMC caste/class and their wannabes. They flood the media zone with their coping mechanisms, anxieties, denial strategies, and other assorted neuroses. Credulous people pick it up from there. When awareness finally does creep in, it's distressing. People cast around for something to soften it. The "good old days" offers an acceptable something. It's reinforced by a cultural disposition to accept a Fall from Grace narrative.

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Thank you, James, for an excellent addendum.

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I'm a Judith Flanders fan -- she writes about everything from Dickensian London to when people started using forks to The Invention of Murder (popular entertainment) -- and I'm currently rereading The Making of Home. She writes of U.S., British, and German nostalgia for a past that never existed as exemplified by log cabins, Tudor architecture, and Alpine buildings -- and puts it down to fears arising from industrialization.* The log cabin section is pretty funny as William Henry Harrison was associated with log cabins and used what was supposed to be a smear as a PUBLIC RELATIONS stunt. In truth, he was born in a mansion in Virginia, bought a log cabin in Ohio, and by the time he was done it had 16 rooms.

*And if industrialization caused fearfulness, what do ideologies such as transhumanism cause?

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It's easy to lose sight of that. As CAF's likes to say, the Great Poisoning has been going on a very long time, now it's just obvious to everyone but the zombies.

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Indeed, it's so tempting to avoid long-term analysis but we must confront such reality.

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You're both

A Living Venture

With An Out Standing Lecture.

Professor High Schooler

{Historian, etcetera.}

That's Latin Dr. Z.


Ya didn't know.


Whip Cracks !

& non Whispers...

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All by design in pursuit of profit....once you see it, you can’t unsee it....and you are left wondering how pervasive it is....health, education, energy, finance, defense, etc.

Some republicans need to figure out that the Rockefeller model is not competition and free market. In many respects it is anti-capitalism and under the influence of that model of “success” erodes democracy and freedoms. And we are perilously close (if not already arrived) to giving the keys to our lives and further in TOTAL (digital slavery) to the predatory philanthropists and corporate oligarchy who have determined that they know “best.” Really, they know that claim to be what it truly is....a Trojan Horse that maintains and further secures their function and claim as our masters.

Meanwhile, the majority of Dems better grow a backbone and realize/admit that they are merely a pawn. They have been so eager to give a thumping to their competition that they sold their soul. Not a pretty sight, but there you have it.

And while the right and left are locked in their mortal debate and divide, fueled by the arrogance and hubris of each that blinds them to reality, the oligarchs and fin/tech elite are laughing all the way to the bank while preparing the next chapter in the age old story....How to lay claim to our lives in full and with a monopoly? While everyone continues to fret or debate COVID and the COVID vaccine

(which at this point serves as a red herring--yes, damage and harm has was and is real, but the waters are so muddied no clarity or justice will ever come of it, the masses no longer have an attention span or memory to allow accountability)..

the globalists are busy putting in place the infrastructure for the next stage of their worldwide coup with nearly a peep from the medical freedom warriors or others. They still don’t see or perhaps purposefully refuse to see that we are still heading towards the NWO that will maintain the overlords and subject us to the leftovers.

My theory at this point is they have the ability to bring us to our knees at any point, but they are not quite ready to do so....they still need to move a few pieces into place so the whole affair will be a fait a compli when the time is right. My research suggests they are in the move again, we are getting closer....meanwhile the COVID chronicles continue. Where and how they hit us next remains to be seen, but based on their business model and the digital prison I expect it could come from any sector.

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Thank you, Laura. I hear you but I still hold out hope that the Parasite Class™ has seriously overplayed its hand and this move can be short-circuited.

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Look up TPG Global....they are in the move. And Climate Change is being married to the COVID Chronicles....via the WHO and UN. The parasite class is not ready to close the deal quite yet, but they are working fast. And none are the wiser because we are so all consumed with the COVID Chronicles....(me as well, since my mom died a year ago from the vaccine and I have had to fight exemptions for my teen daughters, while losing friends and family because I am a “conspiracy theorist”, even those in my family who have come around and now agree the vaccine was the culprit in my mom’s death have no idea just how deep we are in as a country and as humanity-but I digress)....

They are bankrupting us and I suspect when they decide to crash the economy and financial structures of the past century they will be able to pick any number of ways to do it....then fear, chaos, and technology will be used to put on the chains. The financial system will become an “impact model” that will place untoward power in the hands of those with the tech and machines....enter in the surveillance state, whereby they decide the terms and conditions of life--AND who qualifies for privileges. Yes, they will use their assessment, tracking and tracing to pick who they will invite in as the fin/tech elite compete amongst themselves for the edge.

One has to understand the social impact model that they have adorned with the words “diversity, equity, and inclusion” for what it truly is. Those of us who learned the ropes in fighting the education “reform” efforts of Gates and the fin/tech elite figured out the efforts for what they truly were. They were ANYTHING but student centered or personalized learning. It was the infrastructure designed to institute a pipeline for the coming gig economy that would separate the Chad from the wheat. They knew it, but they had everyone convinced that it was about leveling the playing field for all. What a joke. Instead it lowered the standards to the lowest common denominator (which has also allowed them to further control the brainwashed masses who have lost critical thinking skills in the past two decades as dependence on tech and screens grows). They are fine with such a system and will pluck from the controlled masses those who exhibit skill and motivation. It is gross. And yet, the left clamors for more and the right fails to see that the game is no longer about the traditional left vs right divide. Many on the right are busy trying to reassert themselves as the party/people in control, meanwhile creeping through the back door is a whole new animal that cares not for left vs right. That is a thing of the past in their minds.

I like it to the lens through which so many see the Russian/Ukraine war. Many Americans are looking at it through the old and tired narrative of “Russia Bad” and the remnants of the Cold War psyche. It’s laughable if one reflects on the corruption relative to the politicians that has no regard for national boundaries.

And isn’t that the point. The globalists are ready to do away with the inconvenience of national boundaries....just listen to the shit coming out of the WHO and all this talk of the need for CBDC. The globalist have made over the government institutions in their likeness. Government will run on corporate principles with less and less regard for the people that the western governments in particular were supposed to serve.

Forget what the politicians are doing and start looking at the business plan of those who profited handsomely off from COVID. COVID filled their coffers in more ways than one and they will be capitalizing on those gains and plan for the whole charade to pay big dividends.

The system is broken in ways many fail to recognize because they are still feeding off the remains (our politicians, many even if we’ll intentioned have no idea of the level of participation and manipulation they are participating in).

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As an ex public school teacher in LA, I closely relate to your observations on the "bipartisan" "education reform" phenomenon, permanently imposed by Silicon Valley/Obama/Arne Duncan, big city school boards in California, New York, Chicago, Washington, D.C. and education privateers (across party lines). The "Common Core" is, in essence, educational wokeness. It's noteworthy that a majority (not all) of teacher union leadership and membership went along with this and that probably the most noteworthy critic of it was Diane Ravich, who was appointed an assistant secretary of education by George H W Bush of all people. Public education was already on the way to the disaster it's become long before "covid" struck.

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Yes. Public education was plundered and conscripted--and run into the ground. Mostly due to the profiteering and marketing that never had education as a goal, but was always chasing the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But you have to know when it’s gone too far. And if you don’t and they don’t....then humanity is on the endangered species list.

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Excellent reminder and post, Mickey. May I offer this must-see documentary, showing that they have really been at it for the past 100 years? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-jqCXWdeRes

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Thank you, Vida! I'll try to check that out soon.

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You won't be disappointed. Major eye-opener for me.

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As Joe Bageant said, "Everything in this country is a goddamn racket." Sums it up quite nicely!

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Good history lesson. Speaking about the good old days, I once read a book called "The Creature from Jekyll Island". Mind blowing! How banking, bankers came to be. How the Rothschild's started. How they and others financed BOTH SIDES in wars. Jekyll Island was the meeting of JPMorgan reps Henry Davidson, Charles Norton, and Benjamin Strong, Rothschild banking dynasty representative Paul Warburg, and of course Nelson Aldrich and Frank Vanderclip, who represented the Rockefeller financial empire. Created the National Reserve System which became the Federal Reserve. We got income tax and Senators got to get elected instead of appointed and pulled back by their respective states as per the Constitution.

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